Thursday, April 23, 2020

Mental Decision Preacher Franklin Graham's Ministry is Dangerous!

Franklin Graham gave an Easter Message carried by Fox News. He told the world, "Pray this Sinner's Prayer", "and That's All you have to do."  All You Have To Do??? Ministers like these have likely deceived the masses. It's my opinion this type of ministry is most dangerous. No man has any business telling anyone they are saved. It is not, nor ever will be their job. It is the job of the Holy Spirit. When you are truly saved the Bible teaches, the Lord assures us, with the receiving of the Holy Spirit. "The Spirit bears witness with our spirit that we are the children of God." If these kind of ministers could meet the Rich Young Ruler today, they would just tell him to pray their formulaic "sinner's prayer", and tell him " that is all there is to it." But Jesus told the Rich Young Ruler to ...sell all that thou hast, and distribute unto the poor, and thou shall have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me. The ruler went away sorrowful for he was very rich. Jesus knew the Ruler loved his riches more than he loved Him. Only Jesus knows the heart of man, whether he is sincere or not, whether he has repented or not. Jesus said, We must deny ourselves, take up the cross and follow. Jesus said anyone who loves mother, father, son or daughter more than Me, is not worthy of Me. Jesus taught we cannot love the world and love Him too. Jesus said, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish. Jesus said, We must come humbly as a little child, for such is the kingdom of Heaven. Only Christ and God above know if these things have been accomplished in ones heart. When it has, the Lord saves and the blood of Christ will cleanse us. And we will know it. The Holy Spirit comes into our hearts and bears witness to us that we are Born Again, and true children of God. The apostle Paul, explaining the conversion (salvation) of a gentile to whom he was sent and preached, explained it so simply, Acts 15:8, And God which knoweth the hearts, bare witness, giving them the Holy Ghost even as He did unto us. That's salvation my friend! Not because Franklin Grahm says so or any other minister says so. You are only saved when Jesus says so! Jesus said You must be born again or you will not enter into the kingdom of God. He said except a man be born again he will not see the kingdomof God. This is most serious. Eternity is too long to be wrong. Don't put your faith in these mental decision, talk you into it preachers. Jesus said I am the door, if anyone tries to get in any other way, they are a thief and a robber. He said the thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill and destroy. These mental decision, (talk you into it) preachers, could define Jesus' words. They may do a lot of good things on this earth to help others, I will not deny this, but when they deceive you or your loved ones about your eternal soul they are most dangerous. No man, woman, nor preacher, who have been born again and received the Holy Spirit would tell you " pray this prayer and that's all there is to it". And I am ashamed of Christians, who has truly been born again supporting these misguided, uncircumcised in heart, mental decision preachers. That is all they are or they would not preach such things. The Bible teaches the fruits of the Spirit is Love, Joy, and Peace. The Bible teaches the Spirit we receive is a foretaste and guarantee of all the Heavenly things to come. True salvation brings a conscious awareness. "The Love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given us.(Romans 5:5.)  
Any preacher that tells you there is nothing to feel or experience could not be saved, or they could say such a thing. Being saved is the most wonderful experience you could ever encounter in this life. The bible teaches when we are saved we are delivered from darkness and translated into the kingdom of His dear Son, putting off the body of the sins of the flesh, by the circumcision of Christ. (Col. 1:13, 2:11). Christ performs these heavenly miracles within us. These are essential proceduresno earthly minister can see or know. It is my hope that all who prayed the "sinner's prayer," as directed by Franklin Graham and other mental decision preachers are truly saved, yet I am convinced there exist in this manner of ministry the greatest potential to deceive, confuse and possibly send a multitude of poor misinformed souls to their eternal doom. If you are in a church where this conduct is going on, I beg you to get out and find a church that teaches the truth of a heartfelt salvation. Do it for your sake, your children, and for the sake of all you love. For a free booklet, "Heartfelt Salvation", the Assurance of Eternal Life, write Morrison Park Camp Meeting 2731 Tompkinsville Rd. GlasgowKentucky 42141. or contact Bro. Gary Bewley

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