Wednesday, September 9, 2015



Heartfelt Salvation
The Assurance of  Eternal Life

A fresh, common sense approach concerning scripture
 and testimony dealing with
the true workings of God's Holy Spirit
who provides the absolute assurance of eternal life.
Gary Bewley
© 2015

            Dedicated to my dear daughter Kuristen Jones, her husband Bryan, and my precious grandchildren, Bryson, Andrew and Matthew Jones, all of whom I love more than my own life. I fear the day is soon coming when it will be difficult to find churches who will preach the truth about true Spiritual salvation. The confusion, misinterpretation and deception is so great. I pray these reflections on God's word and the genuine testimonies of God's saints will forever instill in your hearts and minds, that Spiritual heartfelt salvation is real, and the only way to be reborn and enter the Lord's heavenly home.
            Special thanks to Professor Nancy Richey, my dearest friend, who listened to the plans for this book for months and years and provided much material from diverse sources. Thank you for all your help and encouragement.

            Cover photograph: Rev. Henry Clay Morrison ca.1890 photographed in Glasgow, Kentucky by Adolph Rapp.

            The most beautiful, most precious thing a person can ever experience is the receiving of the Holy Spirit into their hearts and lives at the time of their salvation. The Holy Spirit is the promised possession made to us in the scriptures by our Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord promised concerning the receiving of the Spirit out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.  He foretold of a Comforter that He would send who would dwell in us and teach, guide and direct us. The Apostle Paul described the characteristics of the Spirit as love, joy, and peace and that the Spirit bears witness that we are the children of God. Paul explained this magnificent experience as a foretaste of all the wonderful heavenly things to come.
            Yet, with all the scriptures and thousands of creditable testimonies over the millennia, and many generations describing a glorious heartfelt salvation, some of the most popular and prosperous churches of this age, denounce, mock and in many instances ridicule a feeling type of salvation, calling it irrelevant. Their sermons, teachings, broadcasts and writings, along with the millions of brochures and flyers distributed by  religious organizations around the world teach the experience of salvation is a fact, not a feeling. What drives ministers, church members and so called Christians to follow this doctrine? Why do they ignore very plain, precise, and descriptive scripture that cry out that true regeneration is a glorious event and our assurance that the Lord has indeed saved our souls?
            There is no more pure religion than a religion where one bows before a living God and He,  by the power and the pouring out of the Holy Spirit assures you that you are truly saved. There could be not be a more real religion. There is no other religion. It is all real and all taught so plainly in the scriptures. I pray God's blessings upon this book, that it will enlighten and create a clear understanding of what it means to really be saved and made pure in Christ. I pray you will come to see that the doctrines embraced by many of the modern day churches can be most dangerous and potentially destructive. I pray you will come to find phrases such as "making a decision for Christ" and "accepting Jesus" as most offensive terms. They have most commonly and inappropriately been used as a means that often robs the Holy Spirit of working His intended purpose in us, treating Him as insignificant in giving us that blessed assurance of salvation.

                                      The Bad News about The Good News
            Are you a Christian? Have you been saved? Do you think you obtained your salvation and forgiveness from the Lord by praying  the "Sinner's Prayer?" Well, no one enjoys being the bearer of bad news. No one enjoys alarming another person by casting doubts and fears among the peace, comfort, safety and tranquility one might expect to find in their faith and security in Christ. However, despite all the frustrations this effort may cause, it must be said, and done, for there is so much at stake, so much glory that could be lost, and so much needless suffering that could lie ahead. We can remain silent no longer.
            The debate is over salvation, true salvation, for in reality there is only one kind. The debate is about how one can successfully come to Christ and know without doubt, they have indeed been saved. All  churches, and all denominations have their own ideas and opinions. The debate is an old one.  It did not begin with me, and I am quite sure it will not end with me.  However, in the church age to which we now belong, one of the most popular methods practiced today is the praying of the "Sinner's Prayer."  The "Sinner's Prayer,"  commonly involves the act of "accepting Jesus, " or "making a decision for Christ." This simple act of accepting and deciding about their Savior has become the norm to so many Christian churches, and the security for many a trusting soul.
            If the praying of the "Sinner's Prayer," without any confirmation of feeling or assurance from a heavenly source is correct and Biblical, then my efforts are in vain. But, if the preaching, and teaching of what I will refer to as, "The Old Time Religion" and, "The Heartfelt, Knee Route Way," is correct,  then mass multitudes of  supposed believers could be in very serious trouble.
            We teach our children to sing songs like, "There is Joy, Joy, Joy, Joy, Down In My Heart," then stand in the pulpits, declaring that "salvation is a fact, not a feeling."
            We used to gladly accept and sing the old hymns in our churches like, "Heaven Came, and Glory Filled My Soul."  Now, we hear from the pulpit "we are saved by faith alone, because we believe it, not because we feel it." What about the old Christian hymn, "Blessed Assurance, Jesus Is Mine, Oh' What A Foretaste Of Glory Divine?" Those words were not written because they just happened to rhyme, but the words were taken from the scriptures, from the Word and promises of God.
            Preachers will stand in the pulpit and tell you, if you are saved, that you possess the Spirit of God, yet deny the power thereof, by denying the fruits and assurances the  Spirit is promised to provide. This is most serious, and an absolute denial of the very Word of God. Our friends, neighbors and families are being lied to.  Our children, our grandchildren, and those we love, are being victimized. This is my belief, and the belief of so very many true born again Christians. This language may sound harsh, hateful and even cruel, but our own Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ told us we must be born again, or we cannot see the Kingdom of God, and unless we are born of the Spirit we cannot enter into the Kingdom of God. The conditions Jesus set forth here are most serious. Eternal life is at stake. We cannot afford any possible error. Salvation must never be a guessing game.
            Please take the time to read and understand the words of this text, and fairly consider the truth and clear logic of these scriptures. The Bad News I shared with you, can result in the true Good News. The good news will be the discovery of  Christ, and the receiving of a genuine salvation that you can know, that you can feel, and have an absolute assurance of.
            Who am I to challenge you, your church, your preacher, maybe even your faith?
 I am a flawed and sinful preacher. I am one who like, Jonah ran from the calling of our Lord. I am one who has stood behind the pulpit in many of our churches trying to deliver God's word with much fear and trembling. I am one who  turned his back to things he knew to be good and righteous, to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season. I am one who was a ship wreck, who caused offenses contrary to the doctrines of righteousness, who for a time served his own belly and faltered in the way of perfecting holiness in the fear of God. I am the one who lives each day in sorrow, guilt and regret in all that has been lost and hurt. But, I am one who was saved by the grace of God with a wonderful, precious testimony. I am one who has known the greatest blessings of our Lord. I am one who has repented with a thousand prayers of repentance, seeking God's great love, mercy and kindness. I am the prodigal son who returned to the joys and pleasures of His gracious Father, and found forgiveness with great favor. I am one who has been gloriously blessed by His precious Holy Spirit, with a joy unspeakable, and full of Glory. I am one whom God has instructed, to go, to speak, to write down and declare the words and promises of our precious Lord.  I am the one who is asking for your love, understanding and forgiveness, in the light and holiness of the One who said, "For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you."         
            I am an old sinful preacher.  But, I am one the Lord has directed to share this message. I am one who will tell you the truth.
                                            Introducing The Holy Spirit
             "With all heads bowed, and with all eyes closed, we invite you, if you are lost and do not know God's saving grace, to raise your hands so I may see you," (the minister speaking to his congregation).  "All you have to do is repent of your sins and ask God to save you through the blood of Jesus Christ who died for you. You don't have to come forward, you don't have to get down and snort and slobber, you can if you want to, but you don't have to. Romans 10:13 says, For whosoever calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved. If you ask him, the Lord will save you."  From this point the minister will lead the congregation along the path of the traditional "Sinner's Prayer," acknowledging the repentance of  sins, and trust and faith in what Jesus did on the cross in dying for them. Most commonly, these prayers end with an absolution, proposed by the minister, "thank you Lord for saving my soul." The participant is usually encouraged to trust fully in what they did in accepting Jesus, and then reminded of  assurances in the scriptures that they are indeed saved. A common catch phrase in a lot of modern day "How To Get Saved" brochures is that salvation is a fact, not a feeling.
            Did the participants of this prayer really get saved?  God only knows, not I.
If that person or persons were truly sincere, faithful, and repenting, I believe it is  possible. But, then there is as much reason to suspect  that perhaps they were not. There is a way they can know for sure if they were saved, and it does not need to stand in the wisdom or logic of man, or just in a printed promise alone. There is a magnificent, full proof system God has set up and provided, so they can know, and we all can know when salvation is accomplished in our hearts.  Please allow me  to me introduce you to the Holy Spirit. It appears there needs to be a real introduction, for it seems quite clear to me that even a great majority of our most prominent church pastors must not know Him, or at best choose not to want to bother Him when it comes to what they must consider such trivial matters as another person's eternal life, for many handle it most dangerously, and recklessly.
             Many may wonder, what is the big deal? There are so many religions, so many ideas. As long as you believe in Jesus and ask him to save you, isn't that really all there is to it? To answer this question we must  look at the significance of the Spirit  to our salvation. The Apostle Paul wrote in Romans 8:11 something that is absolutely essential to salvation that results in eternal life. "But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, He that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by His Spirit that dwelleth in you."  Please look closely and carefully at what this says, IF, meaning there is an absolute requirement, the Spirit has to be in you, He has to dwell in you or it is not going to happen. Mortal bodies cannot enter into heaven, you must be changed, mortal to immortality. The Holy Spirit that is within us is the catalyst by which this great event can happen. Without it, we are obviously lost and without hope. So it is imperative that we know without a doubt that we are a possessor of
the Spirit of God. How can we know we have it? The scriptures teach that the Spirit
makes Himself known to us (Romans 8:16); the Spirit itself beareth witness with our Spirit that we are the children of God, and yes, there is a feeling, an absolute knowledge, not something you just have to take by faith. Let's look at some relevant scripture concerning the Spirit and how He conducts Himself and makes Himself known to us.
            In John 7: 37-39, Jesus said,  If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink. He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water. (But this spake He of the Spirit, which they that believe should receive: for the Holy Ghost was not yet given; because that Jesus was not yet glorified.)
            At the time Jesus spoke these words, He had not yet died upon the cross, but foretold of a beautiful thing that was to occur, the time when believers would receive the Holy Spirit. There would be rivers of living water flowing out from within us. In Acts 1:5, Jesus explained how John the Baptist had baptized with water, but within just a few days, they would be baptized with the Holy Spirit.  In verse 8, He told them;  ye shall receive power  after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto Me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth. The promised Spirit was given to believers on the day of Pentecost, not long after Jesus rose from the dead and ascended back to heaven. Acts 2:1-13 tells how the Holy Spirit came in a powerful way, there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it set upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance.
            The Spirit allowed them to speak languages they had not known, so they could be understood by the many Jews and visitors who were in attendance that day from various lands. Those who witnessed this great event marveled and were amazed. Others dismissed this with  an accusation that these people must be drunk. It was an amazing display of God's power concerning the Spirit. The Spirit had arrived and it was the promise our Lord had made. The receiving of the Spirit was not just promised to these select people, for on that very day Peter preached a sermon to those in attendance, promising them (Acts 2:38) Repent and be baptized everyone of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. The Bible tells us about three thousand souls were saved that day, so obviously they also would have received the Spirit as Peter had promised.
             I have personally never witnessed a new convert speaking in a different language, but I have seen very many new converts come off the altar and share a testimony of a great experience with the Lord. Many describe a great peace, a great joy, a perfect love. Many  new converts will shed tears of joy, some may laugh uncontrollably. There are a lot of different descriptions, yet they all bear witness of some spiritual encounter. You can find these wonderful testimonies of heartfelt salvation within the pages of books, letters and publications from many Christians. You can find them in the minutes  recorded on the pages of many church histories. You can read of great revivals where so many were saved and joined the church with great testimonies of conversion. If rivers of Godly living water are flowing out of our bellies, as Jesus promised it would, should we not be aware of such an occurrence?  With the stakes so high, meaning our eternal life, surely we had better know for certain that we have been regenerated by the Spirit. Salvation must never be a guessing game. You must feel something, experience something, or have some great awareness from a Godly source, or you had better start all over for most assuredly something is  definitely wrong. True converts of Christ, know that they have been saved and no one has to tell them, no one has to urge them just to take it by faith. There is a knowledge, there is an experience, and yes, there is a feeling.
                                Flesh and Blood Cannot Reveal It To Us
            In Matthew 16: 13-17 Jesus asks His disciples; Whom do men say that I the Son of Man am ...?  Then He asked them, But whom say ye that I am? Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the son of the living God and Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven.
            Although the Spirit, as we now know Him, had not yet come upon them, still something spiritual from God above let Peter know who  Jesus, the Son of God truly was. Peter's faith was not in the words of Christ alone, nor in all that he had seen and witnessed, but there was an assurance from heaven above. This assurance is absolute. In this, there is no room for error. We can know and must know for sure.
            Paul told the Corinthians in 1st Corinthians 2: 1-5  how that he came to them in weakness and fear and in much trembling, and that his speech and preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, that their faith should not stand in the wisdom of man, but in the power of God. When Paul preached unto these people, he did not use human tactics or devices. He did not put on shows of entertainment. He did not entice them in by games, music and fun events. Paul simply came to them under the burden, power, conviction and leadership of the Holy Spirit. Paul did not talk them into anything from a human standpoint. He did not try to convince them of the Gospel by any means, except what the Holy Spirit gave him to say and do. So that in the end their faith, their salvation did not have to stand or be based on what he said alone, nor what the scriptures said alone, but their faith would obviously need to stand in the power of God. Such is the demonstration of the Holy Spirit in our hearts. This is a far cry from much of the modern day ministries where the preacher tells you, if you prayed the "Sinner's Prayer" and accepted Jesus, that you are born again and a child of God, and disregards any testimony of the Holy Spirit. Paul's method of bringing the Spiritual gospel to the lost is also far from the invitations spelled out in the millions of personal pocket bibles that are freely distributed. These carry an invitation to make a decision to receive Christ as savior, without explanation or reference to the witness of the Holy Spirit. When we trust the preacher to tell us we are saved, or trust in these prepared prayers, we are in truth letting our faith stand in the wisdom of what man has devised for us, rather than in the power God provided by His saving Spirit.

The  Rebirth
            The Gospel of John tells us of a ruler of the Jews named Nicodemus who came to Jesus by night. Nicodemus recognized Jesus as being a man of God, confessing that no man could do the miracles that Jesus did, except God be with him. Jesus spoke very plainly to Nicodemus about the means to salvation, so that he and others could someday see the kingdom of God. Verily, verily I say unto thee, except a man be born again, he cannot see the Kingdom of God. Nicodemus took the words of Jesus very literally, questioning, How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter the second time into his mother's womb and be born? Jesus explained the second birth is a spiritual birth. First, a person must be born of water, a physical, earthly birth, the second birth will be spiritual. Without both of them there will be no way to enter into heaven. Jesus continued,  That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is Spirit. The first birth is very real and obvious to us, for we exist. We see ourselves in the flesh, and have the pleasures, emotions and feelings of all humans. The second birth should be just as real to a born again Christian. Why should it not be? Why would it not be? We do not have to look in the Bible to a scripture to convince ourselves we exist, No, it is plain and obvious, our life is before us. Why should we have to take our second birth without feeling and confirmation? To help Nicodemus understand about the Spirit, Jesus gave him an example of the wind. Jesus explained you can hear the wind, but you cannot see it. You cannot tell where it is coming from or where it is going. Although we cannot see the wind, we certainly can feel it, and sometimes it is so very strong, which is certainly a perfect illustration of the Holy Spirit within us. Like the unseen wind, witnesses cannot literally see the Spirit, yet it is felt by those upon whom the Spirit passes. And like the natural wind which we can see the effects of, like the moving of the leaves upon the trees, a witness to the conversion of the born again Christian, will generally be guaranteed some visual proof that this person has indeed had an experience with God. You see it on their faces, you hear it in their laughter, you understand and relate to it fully in the testimony of what they have experienced.  Most often one who witnesses such an event, if they are a Christian, often finds their own heart stirred and visited by the Spirit as well. 
            Please note again how Jesus explains, without the Spirit we cannot enter into heaven. Therefore, the absolute guarantee and assurance that we have the Spirit is so very crucial. I ask again, why would any church, any minister tell or try to persuade anyone not to seek this assurance from the Holy Spirit? It is too important. Eternity is at stake here. There is no time for playing church. There is no excuse for playing guessing games. We must know absolutely without any doubt we possess the Spirit.
            Paul says in Romans 8:14, For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. Does not the idea that we as Christians are led by the Spirit of God, signify there has to be an awareness within us that we possess this Spirit. Some argue that we are led by the Spirit simply by following God's laws and scriptures in the Bible. No, No, Jesus said he would send the Comforter and He would dwell in you and be in you (John 14:17).
            Paul teaches us in Romans 8:15-17 that our life after the receiving of  the Spirit becomes quite different. We no longer cringe in fear as slaves in bondage under the penalty of sin, but we receive the Spirit of adoption. We now belong to God the Father as His child with a new awareness and relationship, so that we can truly pray and call upon Him as a genuine father.  Paul explains that the Spirit itself beareth witness with our Spirit that we are the children of God, and therefore, heirs to eternal life. Paul  teaches us that the Spirit within us, gives us a foretaste (a sampling) of all the wonderful things to come in future glory. In Ephesians 1:13-14, Paul explained how after we heard, trusted and believed in the gospel of our salvation, we were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise, which he called the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession. This simply means that His presence within us is something that we can know and feel. It is God's guarantee to us of all the wonderful things He has promised in eternity. So we have cause to praise Him all the more.
            There is an old hymn written in 1873 by Fanny J. Crosby, one of Christianity's greatest composers. The beloved hymn, "Blessed Assurance," uses as the basis for this line, the great promises found in Paul's writing.
                                                Blessed Assurance, Jesus is mine, 
                                                Oh, what a foretaste of glory divine.
            The sampling and foretaste that Paul describes must be something most splendid and most precious. This sampling has to be something tangible and effective enough to make us confident in all the future promises He has made to us, causing us to  yearn for all the greater things yet to come.  For anyone to maintain we cannot feel or experience anything as a result of our being saved in the present, would be in essence saying, there is nothing wonderful to feel or experience in the heavenly world to come.       Titus 3:4-6 explains God's kindness towards us by saving us, not by our works of righteousness, but according to His mercy. We are told He saved us by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost; which He shed on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Savior.
            We see that the job of the Holy Spirit was to come into our hearts, to wash, to cleanse, to forgive and to make us good and acceptable in the Lord's  sight.  It further states the Holy Ghost was shed on us abundantly. Surely, such a great and generous outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon our lives would produce some conscious awareness that something has happened. Surely, we could not be so insensitive and unknowing of a tremendous outpouring of God's love and favor. Here we were, sinners, lost souls, full of imperfection, burden and guilt. Then, suddenly and instantaneously, it is removed. In this moment of true salvation, we stand as close to true righteousness as a human being surely can be. Our sins are forgiven and for the first time in our life, all unrighteousness is removed. At this moment, we are sinless and as perfect as God's saving grace provides. As we see in 1 John 1:9, If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Isaiah 1:18, Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.  Also, Hebrews 10:14,  For by one offering He hath perfected forever them that are sanctified.  We stand in this saving moment, free from sin. Are we to assume, we would have no awareness of this within, no feeling of relief, no sense of excitement or  joy, no feeling of goodness and Godliness? Would we not, in these first moments as a forgiven person, not enjoy the Godly love that scriptures clearly teach we would receive from our Lord and toward all humanity?

The Marvelous Love
            There is a common testimony among those who have experienced heartfelt salvation, of a great love unlike anything they have ever known. Those who have previously hurt us, those who have offended and angered us, are now loved by us, within our hearts, without exception. After this experience, all is forgiven, all wrongs become unimportant, and you possess a love not unlike the kind of love Jesus had for us when he died on the cross. The following scriptures illustrate this kind of love: 1 Peter 1:22, Seeing ye have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit unto unfeigned love of the brethren, see that ye love one another with a pure heart fervently.  Romans 5:5, ... Because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.  1 John 3: 14 says,  We know that we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren. He that loveth not his brother abideth in death.
            Any subsequent submission to God throughout our Christian life will result in the reoccurrence of this perfect love within us. We should note here, that if at any time we as Christians do not love our fellowman, or anytime we hold a grudge, or will not speak to someone, this is a clear indication, we are not in close fellowship with God, and not within His pleasure and will.  Simply, we need to pray and worship and draw near to God Who can rekindle the joy of the Spirit within us.  The Spirit is always there, and we can be just as close to the Lord as we want to be, but, it does come only with much prayer and devotion and a repentance of things that are contrary to God's will.
            Jesus taught His disciples in John 15:10-11, If ye keep My commandments, ye shall abide in My love; even as I have kept my Father's commandments, and abide in His love. These things I have spoken unto you, that My joy might remain in you, and that your joy may be full.
            So we see, in obeying the Lord, and  in truly loving Him, we become the recipients of His marvelous love, and with this love comes great joy, a joy to the fullest. How can such a marvelous love and joy be promised and present and there be no evidence of it? Many preachers will proudly boast that if we have accepted Jesus, we indeed possess the Spirit, yet then, they will contradict their own words by saying there is nothing to feel? From the moment the Lord saves our soul, the promised Holy Spirit enters our life. The Holy Spirit is a producer of this great joy. Anytime throughout our Christian life, that we are in close fellowship and communion with God, the Holy Spirit and His witness of Joy is ever present and making Himself known to us.
             Paul explained in Ephesians 3:16-20 that the Spirit given to us by God, lives and abides in the inner man.  It is inside of us. Paul goes on to explain, the Spirit allows Christ Himself to literally live in our hearts, and by faith we may be rooted and grounded in love. [So we] may be able to comprehend with all the saints, what is the breadth, and length, and the depth, and height; and to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that [we] might be filled with all the fullness of God. Now unto him that is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us....
            Please carefully consider what these scriptures are saying. How could we possibly experience such wonderful and marvelous things as described from the Lord above, without some feeling, some evidence of love, joy and peace? How else could we know such tremendous far reaching love? Paul explained it goes beyond what we hope to ask for, or to even think. So it cannot be a mental understanding only of these marvelous things, it cannot be something just taken by faith, it cannot be just descriptive pages in a book, no, it has to present itself in the many spiritual feelings that exist within the saved person. There is no other explanation.
            If people over the generations had embraced the will of God and been recipients of His marvelous Spirit, what a difference it would have made in the history of our world.  Godly love would have prevailed, wars would have been abated, crime  and violence would have been virtually non-existent. There would have been peace and harmony beyond imagination. Sadly, the great majority of our population would not embrace it, for Christ came into the world that the world might be saved, but men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. So the world as a whole has not believe upon Christ nor receive the Holy Spirit of promise that would have provided a much greater peace. And now, we see even a great number of churches who bear the name of Christ, and preach "Jesus, Jesus," actually teach against a heartfelt salvation, and thereby insult and ignore the working and effectiveness of the Holy Spirit. They ignore the One that provides a true conversion into Christianity and a blessed assurance in our hearts. To say that you cannot feel the promised Spirit, is just like saying God has no power to communicate and move within us when indeed He has promised He can and will. To deny this is very much akin to being a infidel.

                                       Peter's Witness of the Holy Spirit
            The Tenth chapter of Acts tells the marvelous story of how a centurion named Cornelius, a devout man who prayed faithfully to God, had a vision to send to a place called Joppa for a man named Simon Peter.  Peter, about the same time was given a vision by God, to help him understand that salvation was meant for all people, not just the Jews. The Spirit of God instructed Peter to go with the men of Cornelius to his home. After Peter preached to Cornelius and his household about Jesus, the Holy Ghost fell on all them which heard the word. And they of the circumcision which believed were astonished, as many as came with Peter, because that on the Gentiles also was poured out the gift of the Holy Ghost. For they heard them speak with tongues and magnify God. Peter questioned, can any man think of a reason these people should not be baptized, for they received the Holy Ghost, just like we did. Peter then commanded them to be baptized. When Peter returned to the church in Jerusalem (Acts 11), the leaders of the church questioned Peter as to why he went to the Gentiles and associated with them. Peter rehearsed the whole scene as it had happened, of the visions that he and Cornelius had, and how he had been instructed by God through the power of the Holy Spirit to go to Cornelius. Peter explained (v. 15-17)  ..., As I began to speak, the Holy Ghost fell on them as on us at the beginning. Then remembered I the word of the Lord, how that he said, John indeed baptized with water, but ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost. Forasmuch then as God gave them the like gift as He did unto us, who believed on the Lord Jesus Christ; what was I, that I could withstand God?  When they heard these things, they held their peace and glorified God, saying,  Then hath God also to the Gentiles granted repentance unto life. When Peter and other Christians who accompanied him, saw the effects of the Holy Spirit upon Cornelius and his household, they were amazed by exactly what had happened. God had saved them in the same manner, just as he had Peter, and all the other Christians. It was the power and demonstration of the Holy Spirit that let them know and gave them the assurance that salvation had indeed occurred. When Peter gave testimony to the church in Jerusalem of the evidence he saw concerning the Holy Spirit as it came upon and effected those who received it, it was this evidence that convinced Peter and the church that these people were indeed saved. There is absolutely no proof salvation has occurred in anyone's life, without the receiving and confirmation of the Spirit, and no church has any business making one a member or suggesting they are a Christian without a testimony and or a witness to the indwelling Holy Spirit.

                                                 The Mourner's Bench
             Most of the "How To Get Saved" literature we see today uses very select scripture to instruct us. The most common verse is: Whosoever shall call upon the name of Lord shall be  saved. But, we must remember, we are subject to all the scriptures, such as those that tell us, Except ye repent ye shall also likewise perish (Luke 13:3). Jesus instructs us we must ... love the Lord thy God, with all thy heart, and with all thy  soul, and with all thy mind (Matthew 22:37). Jesus also warns of those who love worldly treasures more than heavenly things, and how we cannot love both.  Either he will hate the one, and love the other (Matthew 6: 19-24). Scriptures teach we must be willing to humble ourselves as little children to be able to enter into heaven (Mark 10:15). There are scriptures that teach we must deny ourselves and be willing to take up the cross and follow, and be willing to sacrifice our life, wants and desires for Him (Mark 8:34-35).There are scriptures that teach if we love anyone or anything more than the Lord, we are not worthy of Christ (Matthew 10:37-39). Scriptures tell us we cannot be friends with the world and that by doing so we are enemies of God (James 4:4, 1 John 2; 15-17). We must also recall the scripture when Jesus said, No  man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him (John 6:44). And there are so many more than we have offered here.
            In everyone there exists a need to do some soul searching and genuine repentance, else all of these scriptures would be completely irrelevant. With God's grace and mercy, He will work within us to achieve this goal, but in most instances there are many obstacles before us, weighing heavily on our hearts and on our minds. For some people the victory may be swift, while others may need to spend much time in repentance and thoughtful prayer. Just because a preacher gets us to repeat the "Sinners Prayer," saying we repent and now accept Him, does not mean that we have necessarily got our lives and our hearts in the condition whereby the Lord will save us. That is why we must have the Holy Spirit to tell us. When all these conditions of the heart and soul are satisfied with God, then He will save us. No other person can know. No other person can tell us. No preacher has any business suggesting, that "if you prayed that prayer, I believe that you are born again." He should and must be telling you, pray, seek, and repent until God lets you know you are saved by the power of the magnificent Holy Spirit.
             For this reason, many churches maintain and promote a mourners bench, as a wonderful place to work these things out.  And you can bet, many of the most popular and current church movements do not have a mourners bench, and many ridicule and make fun of them as unimportant, foolish and silly.  I have heard ministers say "I don't read any place in the Bible where it says you have to stay on a mourner's bench for week, and beg God to save you. You don't have to beg God, he wants to save you." Yes, there are those who mock the mourner's bench and the conditions that must be met in a person's life for salvation. So many ministers believe that by the recorded biblical incidents of the ministry of the Apostles that all salvation was instantaneous. If someone said they believed, they were instantly saved. I will not deny that we see many such episodes of conversion and healings. But we have to consider a great fact here, that these Apostles had great spiritual power, so much so that they were healing people of diseases, infirmities, and even raising people from the dead. It was a great spiritual era, to a degree, that few seem to possess today except under extreme prayer and devotion. There are no Apostle Pauls today, and no one is raising anyone from the dead, and everyone who cries Lord, Lord, unfortunately is not instantly saved.
            There was an instance when a man came to Jesus referred to as a rich young ruler (Matthew 19:16-26). The rich young man came to Jesus asking what good thing he could do to have eternal life? Jesus, in reply, referred to many of the Ten Commandments.  The young man explained to Christ he had done all these things from his youth, but asked, What lack I yet? Jesus said unto him, If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shall have treasure in heaven: and come and follow Me.   But when the young man heard that saying, he went away sorrowful: for he had great possessions. Why was this man not just told by Jesus, to just believe in Me and you can have eternal life? Jesus knew very plainly the young man's heart.  It was on his wealth and treasure. Now we have a problem, and now other scriptures have to come into consideration here. Matthew 6:21-24,  For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also ...  No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.
            Jesus and God the Father, requires us to love Him above everything and put Him in front of everything in our lives.  Jesus said in Matthew 22:37, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.  In Matthew 10:37,  He that loveth father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me. (Mark 8:34) ... Whosoever will come after Me, let him deny himself, take up his cross and follow Me. And in Matthew 13:44-46, Jesus tells the parable of how ... the kingdom of heaven is like unto a treasure hid in a field; the which when a man hath found, he hideth and for joy thereof goeth and selleth all that he hath, and buyeth that field.
            So it is when a person discovers Christ, and His righteousness, they view Christ and eternal life as a treasure so wonderful and magnificent that they would joyfully give up, or be willing to give up everything they have to possess it. They would seek to accomplish any task, and would take on any venture to do everything in their power to obtain the precious treasure. Again, Jesus said, the kingdom of heaven is like unto  a merchant man, seeking goodly pearls: who when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had, and bought it."  That one pearl of great price is Jesus, heaven, and eternal life. A wise man will recognize it's worth and would gladly give up everything for it. Many a sinner on an altar of prayer will willingly and respectfully pray, "Dear Lord, I would do anything, and give up anything for you. I want your love and salvation by grace above all things." There is no way any preacher could possibly know the heart of another man. No preacher could possibly know whether another person has put Jesus first in his life and has cast all worldliness  aside, and has fully trusted and believed with a pure faith. The Holy Spirit works with the repentant sinner to get them in the condition where they can humble themselves as little children and come with a pure faith. It is rarely as simple as the "ABCs of Salvation" that are often spelled out in some Christian literature. Oh, the poor people that have been deceived!
            Sometimes, the sinner on an altar of prayer does not even realize they are holding onto things that separate them from God. Sometimes, it takes much prayer and submissiveness to get their heart where it needs to be, and where the Lord wants it to be.
Sometimes,  we may need to weep. Sometimes, we may have to cry out. Sometimes, we may have to humble ourselves down in front of others and seek God. Sometimes, we may need to be on an old time mourner's bench.
            Some may argue, if a person has to do all these things to get saved, then that would be works, and the scriptures teach us we cannot be saved by works. Although it may seem a monumental task to the sinner on the altar, it could no more be works than the repenting of our sins, or for that matter, even the repeating of the "Sinner's Prayer." It is not works, we never earn any righteousness in anything we do. This is simply getting our hearts in the right place, to deny ourselves, to take up the cross and willingly follow Him. If this is wrong, then the requirements and demands of our Lord must be wrong.
            James 4: 6-10,  God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble. Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the Devil, and he will flee from you. Draw nigh to God and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded. Be afflicted, and mourn, and weep: let your laughter be turned to mourning, and your joy to heaviness. Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He shall lift you up. Although James is writing these words to Christian brethren who are faltering in their Christian life, it seems so obvious these scriptures stand as testimony to all who seek to get in the will, grace and forgiveness of the Lord. Yes, this is one of the places in the Bible that tells us, we may need to be on a mourner's bench for quite some time. We may cry and plead.  But, how wonderful the end will be when we are at a place and in a condition of heart where the Lord will save our souls and send in that blessed Holy Spirit of promise, and we experience a joy, love and peace never before known within our lives. The rivers of living water can spring up and flow freely within our heart. Again, consider the scripture, humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He, the Lord himself shall lift you up. He will let you know you are saved, and feasting in His good will and pleasure.  He will lift you up and provide the security and assurance of salvation, not the church, not the preacher, not just faith alone in the scripture. He alone will do it all. Praise the Lord in heaven for His wonderful salvation! Never let anyone cheat you out of this blessed event and this essential step for eternal life.
            When Jesus told the rich, young ruler, he must rid himself of his wealth to have eternal  life, the Bible records the ruler went away sorrowful. He did not get saved. If the mental decision preachers had been around in the day of the rich young ruler, they could have hooked him right up. "Pray the "Sinner's Prayer," repent of your sins, say you are sorry, and pray, saying, you believe in Jesus and accept him as your Lord and Savior. Thank you Lord for saving my soul." Done and done. Isn't that the way it is being presented today? Isn't that what you are seeing? This is exactly what I am seeing, on television, on the internet, in the many "How To Get Saved" Bible tracts and brochures passed out and promoted by countless churches and organizations. I have seen it right here in my own hometown, in some of our most prominent and respected churches, and by some of our towns most respected ministers. How could these preachers possibly know what condition another person's heart is in?
            When the rich, young ruler walked away sorrowfully, Jesus said, (Matthew 19:23-24) Verily I say unto you, That a rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdom of heaven. And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for rich man to enter into the kingdom of God. How many rich folks do we have out in the world today? Normally, we think of millionaires and those of tremendous wealth, but in reality, there are millions of people in today's world who have much. Maybe all of them are not millionaires, but so many have nice homes, vehicles, bills paid, plenty to eat, and money to buy what they want. For a great number of Americans, we have much more than we really need. Maybe some of us are rich also. How can the preacher in the church, possibly know the spiritual status and stature of each person? How could they possibly tell everyone who prays the "Sinner's  Prayer," that, that is good enough. Jesus assures us, the salvation of a person in this particular condition, would be most difficult to accomplish. Can we not see the danger? Can we not comprehend the vast, enormous room that exists for error? We have no business in this arena. Can we not perceive the enormity of the responsibility of misleading someone concerning their one and only chance at eternal life? Let the dear Holy Spirit do His job!
            We have already read how many can have treasures that may not be considered actual wealth, but things they hold so dear, and love more than our Savior. Maybe it is sports, music, movies, entertainment or television. Maybe, it is the things we possess or collect. Maybe, it is the love of money, whether we are rich are not. Maybe, it is the partying, the drinking, the friends, the sinful lifestyle a person loves so much. It could be so many things. What church body or minister in their right mind, with sound reasoning, would choose to ignore a vast amount of plain, obvious scripture and go out on a weak, unreliable limb, and declare to another that they are saved? Many preachers who follow the "accepting Jesus" way of thinking, boast that they council those who seek Christ to be assured that they are indeed saved. We obviously cannot know what goes on in all the many counseling sessions, but if their public preaching does not promote the receiving of the Holy Spirit as evidence to a heartfelt salvation, there would be no reason to believe their behind the door, personal conference of persuasion would be any different. If  the preacher believes in a heartfelt salvation, he will say so from the pulpit, and if you are truly saved, and receive the Spirit of promise, there would be little if any need to ever have to have a behind the door consultation. But regardless of what road the preacher or the church tries to take you down, please allow me to reiterate, you had better know you are saved without the counseling of the preacher, or you better keep on praying. The Spirit is the authority. Salvation is too critical, too serious, for any mistakes to  be made.
          When ministers are confronted with the accusation that they tell people they are saved by getting them to pray the "Sinner's Prayer" and accept Christ, I have never known one to want to admit it. But, this is exactly what many do. It is in their sermons, it is in their telecasts, it is in their literature, and it is in their personal one-on-one witnessing with a lost person. In the midst of all their denial, they will resort back to home base, for a place of safety, the scripture "whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." That scripture belongs to me and you also. My dear friends, please look at that scripture and see what it is saying. Romans 10:7-13 teaches we need not try to physically ascend up to some great unattainable height as going up to heaven to find Christ or go to some deep dark grave to look for the Lord, for He has risen and cannot be found there. Instead, He can be as near to us as our own hearts and our own mouths. (v. 9) That if thou shall confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. The mental decision style preachers will readily argue, "if a man says he believes with all his heart, who am I to tell him he is wrong, or hasn't done enough?"  That is a true statement, that we indeed do not know, so now, can we not consider the scriptures concerning the receiving of the Holy Spirit that does confirm it? There is no contradiction of scripture here, but we cannot ignore other scriptures that are just as relevant and just as important. No one is going to get saved without believing with all their heart, but it is quite obvious and certainly verified by scripture, that man himself cannot fully judge and examine his own heart in exactness. Jesus taught in Matthew 6:23 But if  thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness! If we have sin in our lives we cannot clearly see, discern and righteously judge the true condition of our heart. We are warned in 1 Peter 5:8 how our adversary the Devil is as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour .... This simply tells us we can certainly be deceived about many things, and the destruction of our souls would surely be one of Satan's priorities.
            Jesus described the conditions of the church in Revelation 3:17, that the church had grown cold, and away from the fellowship of the Spirit. They thought they were rich, and had need of nothing, but He told them that they were ... wretched, and  miserable, and  poor, and blind, and naked .... So clearly, man cannot rely on his own human feelings, decision power, logic, or judgment to satisfy his assurance of salvation, it is so very fallible.  The receiving of the Holy Spirit into someone's life is not fallible nor questionable to the one who has received it.
            Romans 10: 12, 13 Paul assures us, ... there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon Him. For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.  Paul is simply assuring us, that God is no respecter of people. That any nationality, group or sect have the same opportunity to be saved, if they will call upon Him in true repentance, self denial, belief and faith. Instead, this scripture  has become much of the foundation for decision making ministers, who believe if they can get someone to pray the "Sinner's Prayer" and make a commitment to accept Jesus, then we can declare them saved and add them to the church roll.
            When the disciples of Jesus heard what He said concerning how difficult it is for a rich man to enter into heaven, they asked Jesus, (Matthew 19:25-26) Who then can be saved? Jesus answered them, With men this is impossible: but with God all things are possible. Jesus is saying, on our own, it is impossible to be saved. But, with God, with His help, with His drawing (John 6:44), His knocking (Revelation 3:20), and His giving us the opportunity to believe upon Him (Philippians 1:29), then you can be saved. Yes all people, whosoever will come, seek and call upon the name of the Lord in this fashion and manner, I believe can be saved. There is no scripture that anyone can quote to you, or present to you, that can contradict the scripture concerning the receiving of the Holy Spirit that is promised to come into our lives at the occasion of our being born again. There is no scripture that can nullify scriptures teaching the outpouring  of the Holy Spirit so abundantly upon us. No scripture can contradict the wonderful words of Christ when he promised, that by the Spirit, rivers of living water shall flow from our bellies.
            Let me repeat here once more. There is no truer religion to be found or to have than the Lord sending the precious, promised Holy Spirit into our lives telling and
assuring us Himself, by this pronounced action, that we are indeed saved. Many may laugh, scorn and doubt it. But you know it and, isn't that what is important?
                                                   Jesus Is The Savior
    With so much attention of this book being focused on the receiving of the Holy Spirit, I feel it very important to state clearly and remind those who have not been saved, it is Jesus Christ and He alone, that can save our soul. It is not the Holy Spirit that saves us. The Holy Spirit did not die on the Cross, nor shed the blood that could cleanse and bring us into fellowship and forgiveness with God the Father. It is not the Holy Spirit that gives us eternal life. Jesus did all this and He alone.  The Holy Spirit's purpose it to abide, comfort, teach, and with a heavenly love and joy, bear witness we are the children of God, through Christ our Lord. Simply, in all these many ways, He tells us, "Jesus has saved your soul."

The Games and Gimmicks
            One particular book concerning  how to find Christ boasts that it is published in more than 135 languages and has sold more than 50 million copies. This particular book states, "If you believe the promise, believe that you are forgiven and cleansed, God supplies the fact: you are made whole, just as Christ gave the paralytic power to walk when the man believed that he was healed. It is so if you believe it. Do not wait to feel that you are made whole, but say, I believe it; it is so, not because I feel it, but because God has promised." Notice the great extent the writer goes to, to tell you not to expect to feel anything or have any assurance of salvation.
            The writer of this book is referring to the scripture in Matthew 9:1-8. Here, Jesus healed a man sick of palsy who was bedridden and could not walk. Jesus seeing their faith, said unto the man sick of the palsy; Son, be of good cheer, thy sins be forgiven thee, and after a discussion with the scribes concerning His authority to forgive sins, told the sick man to arise, take up thy bed and go unto thine house, which he did.
            There is no doubt that we must believe God has the power to save us through our faith in Christ, without it, we will not be saved. The sick man showed that kind of faith, so that Jesus did save him, and healed him and He told him his sins were forgiven as well. There is no mention of the Spirit here, but we have to realize again, the Spirit came to mankind to continually dwell within them on the day of Pentecost, soon after Christ had ascended back to heaven following His death, burial and resurrection. It is interesting to note here how the sick man, did not just have to lie there and just have faith that he was healed, no, he was able to rise up, pick up his bed and use his two legs to walk home, something before, he was not able to do. So there was something evidentiary in that act alone. He did not have to believe just because he was told it, no, he had first hand assurance, now he could walk. He knew he was healed. This in turn tells us, we need not trust we are saved by depending solely on our own, perhaps faulty degree of faith, or because the preacher or any writer says we are. One who has a spiritual encounter with God, knows they have found an absolute assurance. 
            Another indication of the extent crusades will go to convince someone there is nothing to feel concerning salvation, can be found in the Bibles published and presented by Campus Crusade for Christ and the American Bible Society. Included in their instructional text is a section titled, How To Know That Christ Is In Your Life. It reads as follows:
                        Did you receive Christ into your life? According to his promise in                                       Revelation 3:20, where is Christ right now in relation to you? Christ said                                  that he would come into your life and be your friend so you can know him                               personally. Would he mislead you? On what authority do you know that                                God has answered your prayer? (The trustworthiness of God himself and                           his word.)

            At this point, we have a sketched picture of a little Choo-Choo train. There is an engine car, with "Fact" printed on the car, a middle car with "Faith" printed on it, and a caboose with the words, "Feelings" on it.
            The text continues: 
                        An Important Reminder... Do Not Depend On Feelings
                        The promise of God's word, the Bible---not our feelings---is our authority.                          The Christian lives by faith (trust) in the trustworthiness of God himself                                    and his Word. [The writer then attempts to explain the train diagram,                            saying the train will run with or without a caboose.] However, it would be                         useless to attempt to pull the train by the caboose. In the same way, we as                         Christians do not depend on feelings or emotions, but we place our faith                            (trust) in the trustworthiness of God and the promises of his word.

            I personally see several problems here. We are told by the writer above as he refers to Revelation 3:20 that if we receive Christ, He will come into our lives to be our friend so that we can know him personally.  But then, we are told to just take to this by faith and trust, and we must not depend on any feelings. I truly do not know how we can have a personal relationship with Him, or know Him as a friend without the Spirit, and likewise if we have the Spirit, then we have a feeling, because the Bible says so. So what are they even talking about?
            Then we have the little train story where they say we cannot pull the train by the caboose. Well, first of all, the little Choo-Choo train story is not biblical and the writer put  "Feelings" in the Caboose, not the word of God. A Christian knows God's Spirit and will recognize when the Spirit speaks and directs. The Spirit will not lead us contrary to the word of God and all He commands. Why would anyone suggest our spiritual feelings would pull us another way from the truths of the scriptures? Why would wonderful spiritual feelings compromise our faith? The feelings we enjoy from above bear witness to all we have believed. Only those who have never experienced the feeling and joy of a heartfelt salvation, provided by the Spirit, would waste their time and energy  trying to persuade you there is nothing to it. These feelings are the absolute assurance you have been saved. This is how we know.  Where is their explanation of the living water springing up within us? It is not mentioned. Where is the mention of the love of God that is shed abroad in our hearts by the Spirit?  It is not there. Where is the mention of the fruits of the Spirit, love, joy, and peace? It is not mentioned. Where is the mention of the Spirit that serves as the first fruits, the foretastes of the heavenly things to come? It is not there. Where is the mention of the Comforter that is to be sent, to live inside of us, to comfort us, to lead and guide?  These are feelings. Instead of getting all these vital scriptures that bear witness that we are the children of God, we get a foolish illustration about a Choo-Choo train that says nothing and leads astray.
              Do we want our assurance of true salvation given to us by God through the blessed Holy Spirit, or do we just want to take it all by faith and feel nothing? If we feel nothing, I can assure you, by the scriptures, that we have nothing.
The Attacks
            Although the heartfelt way of salvation has been attacked from many different churches and various religions, I wish to mention an article from April 1983 in a religious publication, entitled "Assurance Can Never Be Based Upon Feelings" by Edsel Burleson. The writer refers us to scriptures like Proverbs 14:12, There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death. Burleson, uses stories, and scripture concerning the natural man, to show that the feelings of man are fallible, and therefore his feelings cannot be trusted. Burleson chose to share a story of a man who came to the door of a Christian, only to immediately be engaged in a religious discussion. The visitor said that he knew he was saved because of the feeling he had within. The Christian, replied to his visitor, "But I have a deep feeling that says you are not saved. Now let's see what God's word has to say about it."  The story concludes how the visitor walks away muttering, "I see you are not a reasonable man." Then the so called Christian takes great delight in proclaiming, "And I see you are not an honest man." Burleson goes on to explain how we have all been convinced at times certain things are right or true because of our feelings, only to find out later that we were wrong or mistaken. Burleson tells the story of a preacher who was so hot during the performance of  his sermon, that when a door was open to a broom closet, which could in no way emit any fresh air, it brought a pleasantness to the minister that refreshed him greatly. We are also reminded of Saul of Tarsus who thought he was right in all he did while persecuting Jesus.  First, of all, I cannot, nor will not, seek to try to explain the story of the preacher who thought he felt air where there was none. That is not from the scriptures and I don't know the minister in question or all the facts.  However;  I could not be more in agreement with the writer concerning the error of man's natural beliefs, wisdom and feelings, for we are told by the Lord himself that there are one of two roads or paths that people in this earthly life must be traveling. On one road there is a wide gate and a broad way that leads to destruction and many find it. Then, there is the straight gate and the narrow way that leads unto life and few find this gate. So human wisdom, human feelings and human desires are not Godly, they are not trustworthy and can surely lead us down a wrong path.  But this must not be confused with the feelings that come upon those who are saved and who are recipients of the indwelling pleasures of the Lord through His Spirit. I Corinthians 2: 6-16 Paul reminds us, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither hath it entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him. But, God hath revealed them unto us by His Spirit ... yea, the deep things of God. Paul goes on to explain that the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them because they are Spiritually discerned.
            Every instance from the scriptures that Burleson quoted dealt with the feeling and or wisdom of the natural man. Without having or seeking the Spirit of the living God, all these things concerning the natural man's opinions, feelings and thoughts are very well true. However, under the power, leadership and direction of the Holy Spirit, we can understand what God wants us to do, and we can also enjoy the pleasures of the Spirit. We have already quoted scripture that assures us, the fruits of the Spirit are love, joy, and peace ... (Galatians 5:22). To have a love, joy and peace that emits from the Spirit is certainly a feeling. I would not, nor could not, hope to wish for any feelings finer or better than these.  What finer feelings could exist? Jesus said in John 14:23, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him. In the 26th verse,  Jesus explained about the Comforter, which He says is the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name. Jesus spoke in (John 15: 9-11)  about the great love He had for us, and urged us to continue to abide in His love, that My joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full. Now, how can a joy that is full, (that would mean to the absolute maximum), be something we could not feel nor be able to acknowledge?  How can all these promises made and given to us by our Lord and Savior equal to nothing? What are these people talking about? What are these people writing about? (1 John 4:12, 13) ... If we love one another, God dwelleth in us, and His love is perfected in us.  Hereby know we that we dwell in Him, and He in us, because He hath given us His Spirit. Now, I  would consider, a perfect love, a glorious feeling. What else could you call it? Notice too, hereby we know, we dwell in Him and He in us, because He hath given us His Spirit. Does this Scripture not verify and satisfy the statement made by the visitor Burleson wrote about, whom he happily discredited in his story, who knew he was saved by his feelings?  Burleson concludes his article by stating, "assurance can never be based upon feelings but upon faith. Faith that comes by hearing the word of God."
            I have to ask a question here. Why cannot a man have faith and a feeling too?  What is it so wrong or impossible to have or enjoy both? You have to have faith to be saved (Born Again), then when you become a child of God, the Bible teaches He sends  His Spirit to dwell in us. So why is it not correct for a person to say they feel the Holy Spirit? Does that in some way nullify their faith? I have found that in every instance, a Godly spiritual feeling only adds to and increases the faith of the believer. Because now we have the first fruits to enjoy, of all the wonderful heavenly things to come. Now we have a Comforter. I have to ask again. What is the problem? Why do some ministers work so hard, to argue, deny and reject the most beautiful experience a human being can know, the joyous assurance of the Holy Spirit as promised in the scriptures? For people who are supposed to know the scriptures, it is the silliest, and most foolish thing I have ever seen or heard. Surely, even human logic in the natural man is not that messed up. Lord, please help us all to see.

                                               Why Not Heartfelt?
            Considering the gravity of the consequences of sin, why would any clear thinking, reasonable person take such an enormous gamble and such an unnecessary chance of error in judgment concerning their salvation or the salvation of another? With all the compelling scripture concerning the action of the Spirit within us, why would we not incite and encourage each other to seek to the fullest measure that which God has promised to all?
            Unless we simply do not believe these scriptures, the answer to these questions seem very puzzling. Those who believe and practice a heartfelt salvation, teach the same Savior and His ability to save by grace as a free gift to those who come to Him, asking, and seeking. We believe in the forgiveness of sin and the redemption of the lost, the same as the multitude of active Christian churches. A heartfelt belief does not in any way take away from the truth being preached by these churches of salvation by faith. We only wish to seek the things we believe the Bible teaches has to be, and must be, to show and give the assurance that salvation and rebirth has indeed taken place. There is everything to gain and nothing to lose. We teach and promote almost everything the "mental decision, take-it-by faith" churches preach, only the importance and reality of so much  more. If a person seeks a heartfelt experience, what have they lost? We teach prayer, repentance, faith in Christ, and asking Him prayerfully for the salvation of the soul. So the seeker could not possibly be any worse off, yet has given themselves an opportunity to find something more wonderful and precious and far, far greater if they do indeed achieve it. Why do so many preachers take up arms against these scriptures, and take so much offense to one trying to urge others to a greater experience? What could their possible motive be?  Are we not told to draw nigh to God, so that He will draw nigh to us? If they find nothing, they are none the worse off. If they do receive the assurance from the Holy Spirit, as promised in the scriptures,  isn't that all the better?  What God-fearing preacher would not rejoice in such a marvelous occurrence?  Why fight so hard against the "Knee Route" way? Why demean the need of the Mourner's Bench? Why teach from the pulpit and literature that there is no spiritual feeling to be had from God above? The only explanation I can suppose is, surely they have never experienced it themselves and therefore just do not believe it. What kind of minister would that be?  Some ministers who argue against a heart-felt salvation, believe if you work at it long enough, you can work yourself up to some type of emotional hysteria, and thus falsely believe. The scriptures teach the Spirit is real, so should not the receiver have the right to make the determination, if indeed it is the Holy Spirit they feel, or just something of their own making. When the human body is filled with God's precious love and forgiveness, there is little room for error. Remember, it is a foretaste of a heavenly thing. The Bible teaches we receive His Spirit when we are reborn and that the Spirit will be in us, bearing witness we are God's children. The scriptures teach receiving tremendous Godly love. So why are we fighting and struggling so hard against such promises? I will never understand it. My God! Hell is hot. There is not only a blessed heaven to lose, but even worse a horrific hell to gain if we fail to secure our soul in Christ. The agonies of hell are beyond anything we can comprehend. In cleaning the grounds of the old Morrison Park Holiness Camp Meeting, I have had on many occasions, great fires burning large piles of brush. The fire get so hot you just cannot stand anywhere near it. It is indeed an indescribable heat. Burns are the most painful wounds to endure. Each time I feel that great heat, I think of the rich man, who after dying,  lifted up his eyes in torment, wishing for the relief of one drop of water on his tongue. Scriptures concerning the reality of hell, and the punishment of the lost are so plainly written and easily understood. My Lord! What are these churches and leaders thinking? Why would we not let the infallible, unquestionable Holy Spirit have His way and do His job in giving the assurance we are saved and born again. We are talking about eternal punishment. There is no room for error here. It is much too horrible to even think about. And, yet, we must think about it, for our sake, for our loved ones, for our families, for our dear precious children. I do not want anyone, especially a young child victimized by a preacher who does not know anything about the Spirit.  One who ministers unto them a faulty religion, faulty because they apparently have no faith in the power and effectiveness of the Holy Spirit in our lives. I do not want Billy Graham giving me the assurance I am saved. I do not want Joel Osteen telling me I am saved. I do not want the preacher in the big church telling me I am saved. I do not want the preacher in the little country church telling me I have been saved. I want the One that God provided, the Holy Spirit to come into my heart and assure me I am saved, as He promised He would. Now what could be more easily understood than this? What kind of testimony would you prefer to hear from your child? "I accepted an invitation to come forward and pray in Vacation Bible School. I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior. I prayed and told Jesus I was sorry for my sins and trusted in Him to take them away.  I now trust in Him as my Lord and Savior."  Or this type of experience? "I felt troubled and lost. I felt the Lord dealing with me so I knelt and prayed and asked God to save me. As I prayed, trusted and asked forgiveness, all my worries and burdens went away and I felt so wonderful. I knew all my sins were gone. I  felt so very happy. I know something happened. I know I have been saved. I know the Lord has saved my soul." Surely, there is no doubt, the second testimony is so much more the convincing of the two, and within it lies the testimony of something so simple, and yet so profound and so magnificent. It is the testimony of the promises made to us by our Lord by way of the Holy Spirit, the great Comforter and the earnest of our inheritance.
            There have been several occasions where I was asked to guest preach at churches on a Sunday morning, where some time over the weekend a church sleep-over or youth revival had taken place. I have seen children placed before the church, with the minister trying to tell how this young person accepted Christ last evening, and wants to join the church. When asked if they had anything to say, there was very little or nothing in the way of a testimony, only an uncomfortable silence. No one in the church asked a question to confirm in their minds that there was true evidence of salvation. There was nothing mentioned about the Spirit or any descriptive evidence concerning the receiving of the Spirit. It was so sad. The church and these young people's families treated this with a joyful heart, believing this child had just been saved and were on their way to a heavenly home. It is beyond sad. It is tragic. The truth could have been just as easily preached and encouraged, so that there could have been something certain to cause rejoicing.  I hope they were saved, but there is much room for doubt. Momma, Daddy, the church and this child may very well have been deceived.  If the scripture had been adhered to, in time and with prayer, it might have resulted in a heartfelt-Spirit filled salvation, that no one should ever have reason to doubt or question.
            I have heard statements concerning wonderful people who have been in various churches for years, people who have been most faithful, dedicated, and proudly proclaim that they love the Lord with all their heart. And yet, these members assert they have never experienced anything such as a "Heartfelt Salvation."  So, how can this be? Are we to assume the "Heartfelt People," are more trust worthy than those who have proven so faithful in service and dedication to their churches? It is never my pleasure, nor desire to judge anyone, but we must maintain, we cannot change the scripture message. We cannot compromise the truths of the Bible, just because there are those who maintain they never felt anything. This is not just a matter of opinion or of one being more trust-worthy than another, it is simply, that an experiential salvation is backed by scripture, and a salvation with no assurance is not. Any argument or defense against a "Heartfelt Salvation," can only be deemed as  an excuse, an excuse to give up and not honestly and righteously seek that which the Lord requires of us.  There is just no other way to see it. The scriptures are clear and say what they say. If people spent as much time seeking a heartfelt salvation, as they do fighting against it, then they might also find the most precious gift ever known to man.

                                                The Great Danger
            The scriptures teach us there are many with good intentions that have made grave mistakes in their seeking salvation. (Matthew 23:13) But woe unto you, Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for ye neither go in yourselves, neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in. These men thought they knew and possessed all the answers and knowledge of heaven and eternal life. Not only were they in error and not on the road to heaven, but, they were also deceiving and preventing others from going as well. Jesus said, (Luke 6:39) ... Can the blind lead the blind? Shall they both not fall into the ditch?
           There are a lot of different religions, denominations, and churches.  Not all of these fully agree on what you must do to be saved and inherit the Kingdom of God.  Various preachers have select scriptures to try to persuade and prove their points of view. They all think they are right. Not all of them can be right. If they do not agree among themselves, then certainly someone has to be wrong. How can we know ? How can we choose who is right? We must admit, for a good many people, it could be no more than a guessing game. This is extremely dangerous. Some people may make their decision on trusting a church by its size or popularity. For others, it may be the church with the best speaker. Some may get drawn in by an act of kindness or some festive activity the church offers. Some may choose to read, research, and study for themselves, to form their own opinions and conclusions. Many people are raised in  particular churches and perhaps find no reason to doubt or question their authenticity or correctness. And some may even depend upon the reasoning and promises proposed by one of the many television evangelists who may assure them all is okay if they prayed along with and trusted in the "Sinner's Prayer."  Would any of these types of decisions alone, guarantee that we have made the right choice for our eternity? Even the smartest, best educated and most confident people can be quite wrong about a good many things. Jesus revealed this great truth  himself in His rebuke of the Scribes and the Pharisees.  But, in the Holy Spirit there is no mistake. This must surely be one of the primary reasons we indeed, need the precious Holy Spirit. The deception we can see is so very great. When Jesus saves us, and the Holy Spirit comes to us, we then have an absolute assurance. Now we know. It is no longer a guessing game. Our faith no longer has to stand in the interpretation of some minister, who may be wrong. Nor does it now stand in our own possibly fallible understanding. No, now we have the meat. Now we have the absolute undefiled truth. Now we know without any doubt.  (Hebrew 8:11)  And they shall not teach every man his neighbor, and every man his brother, saying, Know the Lord: For all shall know Me, from the least to the greatest. When the Lord saves our soul, He writes His laws in our minds, and in our hearts.  When we are truly saved and feel the presence of the Lord, by means of His Holy Spirit, no one has to try and convince us He is real. We know it. Likewise, we  need not try to convince and persuade another genuine Christian to come and know the Lord, for they already know and they know with all certainty because the Spirit has been their witness.  Paul wrote that his heart's desire and prayer was for Israel that they might be saved, saying they have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge. Paul said they were ignorant of God's righteousness and were going about to establish their own righteousness. So, again we have a people who thought they were so very right, who in fact were so very, very wrong.
            Jesus said in Matthew 7:21-23, Not everyone that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name and in thy name have cast out devils and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I  profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.            This is very startling scripture. These are real people, who seemingly, sincerely thought they were people of Christ. They were people who thought they had some type of relationship and a security with Him as their Savior. They were so sure in their own minds and logic that salvation must be theirs, that they argue and plead their case before the Savior. "We have preached in your name. We have done many wonderful things in your name. We have given money to the church and attended regularly. We have given to missions and told others about you. We have accepted you, believed on you and called you our Savior. Surely, I am yours? Surely, Lord."  But, Jesus' reply must be, "I never knew you, depart from me ye that work iniquity." The Spirit is the key and the absolute assurance for us that we are His.  We are reminded in 1 John 4: 13: Hereby know we that we dwell in Him, and He in us, because He hath given us of His Spirit. Romans 8: 9: But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of His.
            1 John 2:27-28:  But the anointing which ye have received of Him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in Him. And now, little children, abide in Him; that when He shall appear, we may have confidence, and not be ashamed before Him at His coming. Unlike those who have been misled and deceived, those who are truly saved, will know without question that they are possessors  of the Spirit. These assured children of God will need not be ashamed or afraid when they stand before Christ. The Lord knows His sheep and they know Him, and they will not be turned away. HhHHhhk
            In Matthew 25, Jesus told the parable of the ten virgins, five were wise and five were foolish. They that were foolish took their lamps, but took no oil with them. But, the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps. While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept. And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold the bridegroom cometh: go ye out to meet him. There were five who when they arose were able to trim their lamps, for they had oil, while the five foolish ones did not. The foolish virgins tried to borrow and to buy, and simply were not ready and prepared, nor had what they needed the meet the bridegroom. The five that were wise and ready went in with Him to the marriage and the door was shut. Afterwards came also the other virgins, saying Lord, Lord open to us. But He answered and said, verily I say unto you, I know ye not. Jesus said the kingdom of heaven would be like this, and urged us to be ready ...  for ye know neither the day nor the hour, the Son of Man cometh. Many people may argue the exact meaning of each part of this scripture, but it is for sure, some were ready, some were not. Some possessed what they needed, some did not. All ten felt they were prepared to meet him, but in the moment of truth, the five foolish realized quickly, that something was missing, and though they despaired, and sought what they lacked, it was too late. The door was closed to them, and they were without hope. When Jesus taught us we must be born again of the Spirit, to have eternal life, I think we can clearly see, very simply this oil represents the Spirit. When Paul teaches in Romans 8:  If the Spirit of Him that raised up Jesus from the dead, dwell in you, He that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by His Spirit that dwelleth in you. I again believe that this essential precious oil has to represent the Holy Spirit, for this is the same story, the same truth in the scriptures, without the Spirit, or with no oil, you do not enter in. Without the Spirit or oil, He does not know you. You are not His. The Spirit bears witness that we are the children of God. Can't we all so clearly see this danger? Here was another mistake. They meant well. They no doubt had big plans, hopes, and dreams of beautiful things to come, but it was all lost in the moment of truth. It was too late. And where are all the preachers, the ministers and the soul winners who assured these people they were saved? They are not there pleading a case for them or for you, for there is no case and they have absolutely no voice nor any power to come and help you. At this moment we all stand alone. Jesus is our only advocate with God the father, the only one whose precious blood can cleanse and make us whole. When His blood is applied to our souls, salvation is truly ours, the Holy Spirit comes to us, bearing proof and a witness these things are so (Ephesians 1:13,14). Please see the importance and the danger that awaits those who fail to have and secure true heartfelt religion. We must have oil in our lamps. We must have the Spirit just as the scriptures say, and we can know for sure that we possess this heavenly gift just as the scriptures say.

                                                The Deceivers
            For those who mislead and carry others astray, there is a great warning from Jesus himself in Matthew 18:6,7.  But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in Me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged around his neck and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea. Woe unto the world because of offences! for it must needs be that offences come; but woe to that man by whom that offense cometh!  It is most dangerous for any preacher, teacher or scholar to try and dictate and discern when another has been saved. Why would any minister want to go out on an undependable limb, not knowing the true heart of another and declare unto them, "if you prayed this prayer, if you have been baptized, if you did this or that, or belong to this church or that church, I believe you are saved and will go to heaven." How truly foolish that man would be. All men with these exalted titles of Father, Brother, Reverend and Doctor, who do these things, should climb down off their self-made exalted pedestals, humble themselves and admit it is God only who calls, draws, saves and verifies salvation through His Spirit and stop playing games with people's eternal souls. What mortal human could possibly think, they know better than God's Holy Spirit? What arrogant asses these people truly make of themselves by these foolish acts.
            When the great giant Goliath, taunted the armies of  the living God, David called him an uncircumcised Philistine. He was not a man of God. Anyone, any preacher, who will mock a beautiful heartfelt salvation, and that wonderful foretaste of glory divine, cannot have been born of the Spirit of God and say such things. We must brand them as David did, uncircumcised, (Colossians 2:11) unsaved, still in sin. Although these type churches may be very large with large memberships, and may boast of many wonderful things they have done and will do in the name of the Lord, we as Christians who know the truth, must not be intimidated or fearful.  But like David, we must stand up firm and fight with God's armor of righteousness, against anyone or any church, who mocks and ridicules the true way of salvation.
            Stephen said of those who were opposing the Christian message and were about to stone him,  Ye stiff-necked! and uncircumcised in the heart and ears, ye do always resist the Holy Ghost: as your fathers did, so do ye (Acts 7:51). When we hear preaching today saying, that we cannot trust our feelings concerning a heartfelt salvation, and that salvation is a fact not a feeling, is this not the same type of mentality as Stephen described? Stiff-necked and uncircumcised in the heart and the ears, always resisting the power of the Holy Spirit.
            Finally in Galatians,  we see Paul's frustration with some who have come trying to pervert the gospel message, and have brought confusion about how they obtain salvation. Paul had already preached to them and they had received salvation through their faith in Christ and had been recipients of the Spirit. Galatians 1: 6-9, I marvel that ye are so soon removed from Him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel: Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ. But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. As we said before, so I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you, than that ye have received, let him be accursed.  There were those among them who were trying to steer the church members back into the old ideas that they must obey certain Jewish laws and perform works to be saved or maintain their salvation.
            Notice how Paul states if any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed. What did they receive? Paul preached to them the gospel message of Christ, and how by His sacrifice alone, their sins would be forgiven.  But, they also received the confirmation of the Spirit when they were saved. Paul asks them in Galatians 3: 2-5,  did you receive ... the Spirit by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith? Obviously,  it came by the hearing of the message by faith. Paul reminds them how the Lord had ministered to them in the Spirit, and worked miracles among them. In Galatians 5: 16, Paul urges them to walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. He warns how the Spirit within us fights with the flesh, and the flesh with the Spirit, and how they are in constant battle. It is here that Paul reminds them the fruits of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, [and] faith .... Within these descriptive words lie the greatest and most pleasant of human feelings and qualities which produce wonderful, emotional experiences. So the gospel Paul preached to the Galatians involved the knowing and the receiving of the Holy Spirit as a proof of salvation. Simply put, a heartfelt salvation. So let any one who preaches anything contrary to this, be accursed. These are the words of the Apostle Paul.
                               Today's Churches and A Sign of the Times
            Timothy said in 2 Timothy 3:1-5, ... that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; having a form of Godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.
            We have so many churches today who love to preach and sing, "Jesus, Jesus, Jesus," yet, denounce the significance of a heartfelt, Spiritual salvation in the hearts of the believers. Ministries incorporate the acts of faith, trust, believing, accepting and repenting into a model prayer that when verbalized, they believe brings about a desired result that satisfies those supposedly in the know in most of our Christian churches. But, where is the testimony of having been born again and being filled with the Holy Spirit?
            Once when preaching about Heartfelt Salvation in a meeting before a group of Baptist ministers and church leaders, at the conclusion, one of the ministers was overheard to speak sarcastically to another, "I think we have just been in a Pentecostal meeting."  How sad I thought this comment truly was. When and how did the concept of experiential salvation become such a foreign concept to so many churches? What has happened that they no longer can understand and clearly see the function, power and promise of the Spirit? Most of these ministers will assure you, if a person has trusted in Jesus that they will indeed possess the Holy Spirit, but then contradict their own words and message by telling the lost sinner, "salvation is a fact, not a feeling," and disregard any evidence of the assurances of the Holy Spirit in their preaching and conversion practices. Without the confirmation of a heartfelt salvation, bearing witness to the receiving of the Spirit, we are most likely taking into our church membership, the unsaved. In time, many of these misled, impostor Christians will be in positions of leadership, running and directing the operations of the church. Without the Spirit within themselves, they surely cannot follow any spiritual guidance of the Lord, and follow any direction as Jesus said the Spirit would provide.
             In the old time churches where the Spirit was strong and powerful, people rejoiced in the demonstration of the Holy Spirit as Paul described in 1 Corinthians 2:1-5. Their worshipping included the most earnest of prayers, great Spiritual sermons, the singing of hymns, glad and wondrous testimonies of heart felt salvation, and a spiritually dedicated congregation that would shout God's praises. Many churches today have the finest of all modern day conveniences, computers, large screens, power point presentations, movies, ball courts, elaborate music, day cares and on and on. All these things I suppose can co-exist with the Holy Spirit but we are very sad to find that in many instances we see little evidence of it. "Making a decision and accepting Jesus" seems to be the rule of the day. There is a form of Godliness, but a denial of the power. Without the Holy Spirit, we just play church. The church may be doing wonderful things  in the community and helping others in need, but Jesus said they that worship Him must worship Him in Spirit and truth. Any church, be it mine or yours, new or old, regardless of belief or doctrine, unless it is filled with the Spirit, following that Spirit, and allowing Him to have His way within the service and the hearts of all, are just playing church.
            Many of the most faithful churches in doctrine, have grown cold and do not have the power God once gave them. Many of the members of the old time churches have compromised with sin, made friends with the world, and we have paid dearly for it. We have disregarded God's commandments and some like myself, have committed great sins. We  run to ball games, sporting events, concerts, and movies. Many of us are more concerned about what is on television or about who wins a ball game than the concerns of what is happening to our spiritual life, or what is happening to our lost friends, or to our dear old churches that are just drying up both spiritually and in numbers. Many of us do not give as much time to prayer in our busy world, and feel pleased when we can give the Lord an hour on Sunday morning. Again, we are reminded that we cannot serve two masters, we must have our hearts in one place or the other.  To be an effective Christian, to be an effective church, we have to give ourselves fully to the Lord, and say "no" to the things of the world. Jesus warned the church of Ephesus in Revelations, chapter 2, Although He knew of their good works, and all of their labors, and how they had stood up for Him, and against sin, yet He was hurt by the church because they had left their first love. They no longer loved Him as they once did. Jesus warned them to remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works: or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick, out of his place, except thou repent. There is much reason for us to believe, the removed candlestick, is the effectiveness and power of the Holy Spirit within us and within the church. 
            There are a lot of good people and a lot of churches doing good deeds for their fellowmen, and to our Lord, this does not go without notice. However, we  can do all these great acts of charity and kindness and still fail our Lord, simply by not loving Him as we should, and failing to worship Him as we should in Spirit and in truth. Many churches regardless of doctrines and denomination think they are doing so well, such as the church in the third chapter of Revelations, who the Lord said was neither cold or hot, but lukewarm, and therefore would spit them from His mouth. They thought they were rich and that everything was fine. They thought they had everything they needed, and yet did not realize the truth, that they were wretched and miserable, and poor, and blind, and
naked .... They had no idea the shape that they were really in.
            It seems in the last several years, at least in the area of the country where I live, an explosion of churches are springing up everywhere. There are newer giant mega churches, churches opening up in shopping centers, fun centers and even a few I have noticed opening in old metal industrial buildings. Where ever there is an old vacant store or empty building, it is not uncommon to see a church open up. It is impossible to know what is being preached and taught in all of these many churches, and in this land of liberty, we are supposed to have religious freedom to go worship, and believe as we choose. That is the way it should be. Because every church thinks they have the right answer to a Christian life and the hope and promise of eternity, many develop strong opinions and passions about their religion and are easily alarmed and outraged when their beliefs are challenged or threatened. How we deal with our differences depends on the individual and it is often very difficult to change another's mind.
            The current trend I see in many of the most popular ministries, appears to me as an outright attack on the practices and principals of the old time church, the old time religion, and the fundamental truths of the New Testament in regard to a heartfelt salvation and the receiving of assurance from the Holy Spirit. Although these ministers and ministries may have the best intentions and mean well, yet I believe they are wrong. I am nobody of great station or position but I do know what it means to be saved. I do declare, with countless others who testify and have had the same type experience, that a heartfelt (you know you are saved by the Holy Spirit) salvation is absolutely true. It is just as it is promised and described in the scriptures.
            Recently, I received in the mail a flyer from a new church that had just opened. This flyer had a color photo of an older woman with curlers in her hair and a mean look on her face. She was depicted as pointing a strict, stern finger at the recipient. The caption for the photo read, "not your Grandma's church." I must admit, I took offense to the flyer. I know they are trying to reach a new generation who thinks that Momma, Daddy and certainly Grandmother is out of touch with the modern day world.  This all promotes an idea that the  old fashion church just isn't cool.  Of course, my heart begs to cry out to everyone who reads this flyer, you better do everything you can to get to or to keep your family and children in an old time church. A place that is sound and solid so that they can hear the truth and see the practices that will lead them to true salvation and the worshipping of the Lord.  The Bible says that there is only one body, one Spirit ... one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who  is above all, and through all and in you all (Ephesians 4:4-6).  Simply put, there is only one gospel and one salvation, we had better make absolutely sure we have it right. It need not be a guessing game. We must be careful what churches we attend and where we take our children. The size of the church, the programs they offer, the activities they have, the entertainment they provide should never be the deciding factor for the receiving of the precious gospel. The church needs to be based on the two things Jesus indicated were essential, the Spirit and the truth (John 4:24). If any church denounces a heartfelt spiritual salvation, they are out of touch with the truths of the bible. If they use the methods and philosophies of making mental decisions and just accepting Christ without a true conversion, and take people into the church without a testimony of the receiving of the Holy Spirit in their lives, that church is dangerous. I beg you to look elsewhere for a church, where these essential elements of Spirit, truth and righteousness are taught and practiced.                         
            Recently while traveling through an older well-to-do area outside of Nashville, Tennessee, I was amazed at all the great old churches that stood on this particular avenue. Many were stately and magnificent. I could not help but think of how far removed these churches were from the ground at the foot of the old tree in my front yard where the Lord sent His wonderful Spirit down one summer night and saved my soul. I remember the words of Henry Clay Morrison who wrote in his book, World Tour of Evangelism, "Christ is universal. The devout heart can find Him anywhere. It might prove a means of grace and a confirming of the faith to go up to Jerusalem, but such a pilgrimage is by no means necessary. The Holy Ghost has come to reveal our Lord in His beauty and power in all places to them that desire Him. Years ago when plowing in Barren County, Kentucky, I used to hitch my horse at the end of the row and creep into the fence corner to pray, and there I found Christ just as consciously to the joy of my heart as I found Him in the most sacred places in Jerusalem. It is not a matter of geography or location, but of Christ abiding in the hearts of the people."
            When we think of how our Lord can so easily be found in a fence row or beside one's bed at night, the magnificence of these great churches seem strangely odd and insignificant, and in some cases could be an obstacle to true worship. But we must hear the gospel, for how shall they call upon him, in whom they have not believed and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard and how shall they hear without a preacher? ( Romans 10:14) And, we must not [forsake] the assembling of ourselves together... (Hebrews 10:25).
            So now we have a multitude of churches around every corner and on every highway. Many do well, but many struggle to grow in number and spiritual power. In many instances, churches may find it hard to get the attention of the lost and to get them interested in seeking the Lord on an altar of prayer. We read of great revivals of years past, of great numbers saved on the altar, and now we all wonder what has happened. To many churches who are anxious to grow and succeed, they see no need to wait for  any spiritual feeling of acceptance, it is so much easier to just repeat the formulaic prayer to accept Jesus, and move on to baptism and church membership. If little Johnny or Betty accepts Jesus and can be baptized, Mom and Dad can be encouraged to come, and maybe they will join too, and the church prospers with more parishioners and perhaps more money. This sounds sad, perhaps even a bit judgmental but nevertheless I fear in many cases, it is true. Many ministers and churches have developed programs, methods and means to reach out to the lost. These witnessing episodes often end with convincing talk, not unlike that of  a pushy salesman, who presses the potential candidate for salvation into a corner or situation of words, that makes it is hard for them to reject and say "no" to the offer. They pray the "Sinner's Prayers" for the seeker or ask them to repeat it, then assure the person that they are now a Christian. In the eyes of the church,  the great task has been accomplished. For if the church had left the poor sinner on the altar seeking the forgiveness of sins and the Holy Spirit, and they were not saved on the first encounter, they may not come back again, and all that was mentioned above, membership, money, and the satisfaction of their perceived success would all be lost.
            I remember reading an illustrative story about devils who were discussing ideas to deceive creation and cause men to lose their souls. One suggested "we can tell the people there is no God." The others agreed that would deceive a few people, but confessed that most people believe there is a God. Another devil suggested "we can tell them that the Bible is a lie." Some nodded in agreement, but finally the consensus was that, that would deceive a few people, but most will believe the Bible is true. Another suggested, "I know, we can tell them to just put off salvation until tomorrow." They all agreed saying "we will deceive them by the thousands." I will now add my own personal touch to the story, by relating how another even more wise and much craftier old devil formed an even greater plan of deception. "Go tell them they need just to accept Jesus, to make a decision for Christ and all will be well. Teach them salvation is a fact, not a feeling, and there is nothing else to be done or to be had. Teach them to take it by faith alone and disregard any confirmation and assurance of the Holy Spirit. Tell them if they will do this and believe this, heaven is theirs."  I am quite sure the old liar then said, "go,  go, you will deceive them by the millions." And I am afraid he was right. If the Devil was ever in anything, I believe he is in the "making-a-decision-for-Christ" salvation plan. This plan demeans the effectiveness of the receiving of the Holy Spirit as our confirmation of the rebirth. If the Devil was ever in our churches, he is surely in this.

            Please, no matter what denomination you are or what church you attend, big or small, no matter where you pray, no matter what people may try to tell you, please continue to pray and seek the Lord till you have received the Holy Spirit of promise. Please do not let anything change your course or determination. The Bible tells us it is not His will that any would perish, but that all would come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9). The Lord will save you if you are sincere, steadfast and faithful. It is worth any and all effort. It is your only key into eternity. 
                                                            Rev. Henry Clay Morrison

            One of the nation's greatest preachers and evangelists was Dr. H.C. Morrison (1857-1942) of Kentucky. Morrison was a Methodist who rose to great heights during his lifetime, traveling all over the nation and especially at the camp meetings that graced our land during the great Holiness movement. He published a weekly religious newspaper, "The Pentecostal Herald" for 54 years and was President of Asbury College and founder of Asbury Theological Seminary in Wilmore, Kentucky. It is the old camp meeting ground, Morrison founded on his ancestral land in Barren County, Kentucky in 1900 that has been the object of our hard work for the last four years. Myself, along with several other very dedicated people have done much to clean, renovate and rebuild the old historic site. The historical significance of Morrison, and  the camp meeting grounds were recently recognized by the placement of a Kentucky Historical Marker, authorized by the Kentucky Historical Society in Frankfort.
            Morrison was gloriously saved in a small Methodist church "Boyd's Creek," a  short distance from his boyhood home near Glasgow. In this little country church, Morrison had witnessed many young people being saved, like his sister Emily, numerous cousins and schoolmates. Morrison said, "They all went to the mourner's bench. None of them were urged to make a profession of faith, but were directed to call on God to forgive their sins, for Jesus' sake;  they were penitent mourners for several days-- deep sick of sin. Those of us who looked on their agony and grief, got a conception of the sinfulness  and danger there is in sin that could hardly have been conveyed to our minds in any other way. Well do I remember their shining faces, and glad shouts, when they were converted. For weeks they were radiant with joy. We who were left in our sins were very sad and lonely."
            Morrison was thirteen years old in the aforementioned revival. Although, he felt deep conviction and a great desire to be saved, no one came to him and urged him to the altar. He believed people would think he was too small to understand the full meaning of salvation. So he kept his seat and his prayerful desires to himself.  "No one came to see me to ask me forward for prayer, and so I stayed back in the corner, sometimes standing on a bench to see the young people shout, and sometimes weeping with a broken heart." Sad and discouraged, Morrison grew a bit rebellious for a time feeling no one cared about him, but was soon devising a plan and a bargain with God. If the same evangelist, Brother Phillips should return the next year for the revival, he would go to the altar and seek his salvation whether anyone invited him or not. Morrison was impressed with Reverend James Phillips. Morrison recalled how as a small boy working in the fields, he would see Brother Phillips ride by. The very sight of the saintly preacher would seem to convict Morrison of his sins, and if he should look his way with his kindly eyes, and speak to the young boy, his heart would thrill and long for salvation. Morrison spent the following year in much suspense, wondering if he would see Brother Phillips return, or if not, be free from his vow. When word came that Brother Phillips would again be conducting the revival, Morrison said, conviction ran through him like an arrow, and he anxiously waited for the protracted meeting to seek salvation. When revival came during Christmas week of the year 1871, Morrison was determined to keep his vow, and seek the salvation his soul had so longed for. He was determined to go to the altar even if no one asked him or personally invited him there. When the Thursday evening sermon was preached and the invitation was made, no one came to Morrison. The young boy experienced a tremendous struggle within, but felt riveted to his seat. Finally, he was able to break away and nearly ran to the altar, feeling confident this day was his day of salvation, fully expecting to find Jesus and the salvation of his soul. Morrison's first thoughts and expectations were very high, for he held the belief that he was not nearly so bad a sinner as many of the young neighborhood boys with whom he had become acquainted. Morrison also reasoned that because he was an orphan, surely God would treat him with special kindness and great favor. Morrison was soon surprised, for instead of finding forgiveness and peace, he instead found only a heavier load settling down on his heart. At the conclusion of the service, Morrison left the church disappointed, but  remained much in prayer. Friday morning another service was held, so Morrison hurried back to church and went forward at once before the preaching even began, and took a place at the mourner's bench. He began to now realize how great a sinner he was and how he should have no special favor just because he was an orphan boy, and that his only hope was in Jesus. Morrison once again found only disappointment and left the revival service under great conviction and with a heavy heart. Friday night, once again, found Morrison dutifully back at church seeking the Lord the only way he knew, asking for mercy, weeping, and even praying aloud in the midst of the service. Morrison began to ponder the idea that mercy had been offered to him many times in the past and he had turned a deaf ear to it. This gave him great sorrow. Saturday morning and night,  he was at the altar pleading earnestly for mercy. While at home he kept to himself and much of the time was secret in prayer. By Sunday morning, Morrison began making promises to the Lord of all the things he would do for Him if only the Lord  would just save his soul. The Sunday morning service ended and Morrison stayed on at the altar in prayer for some time. Finally, worn out with grief, he reluctantly gave up and left with much sorrow and heaviness of heart. But, the salvation and forgiveness Morrison had long sought was gloriously given to him, during the  Sunday evening service, Christmas week, December 1871.
            I arrived at church a little late, and on going forward to the “mourner's bench,” found it full of seekers. So I kneeled down at the end of the front bench, in the “Amen Corner," up next to the wall and commenced to pray. I did not hear the sermon. But after Bro. Phillips concluded, the people sang and came around and instructed the seekers. Someone came to me and said, "Joe Mansfield has found peace. Take courage and the Lord will save you.” To think that the Lord was so near, that others were saved, and that I was in darkness, plunged me more into despair. I began to wail out my sorrow at the top of my voice. Uncle Emory Hammer, a devout deacon in the Baptist Church, came to me. I was flat, face down on the floor. He took me into his arms and lifted me up upon his bosom. He pressed his mouth against my ear and whispered, “Buddie, God is not mad at you.” That shot through me a ray of hope. I began to say, "Sir? Sir? Sir?,  I wanted him to repeat that. He was quiet for a while. Then he pressed his dear old mouth through his heavy mustache up to my ear and whispered, “Buddie, God loves you.” What a thrill it gave me! Again, I began to say “Sir? Sir? Sir?" longing for a repetition. He held me tightly in his big arms and by and by he pressed his lips to my ear and whispered, “Buddie, God so loved you that He gave His only son to die for you.” Something inside of me said, “that is so.” My burden fell off. A joyful sense of forgiveness went through me. I leaped to my feet praising the Lord. I felt as if I would burst with a gracious agony of joy and praise. My whole heart was aglow with love. I leaped for joy. Mike Smith, a neighbor boy was sitting on the steps of the old- time pulpit, planked up in front of me at one end. I caught him about the neck and hugged him with all my might; it seemed that I would die of joy if some vent of expression could not be found. Everyone looked so beautiful, my heart was aglow with love. I leaped into the pulpit, ran across and shook hands with the choir, and then faced the people and began to exhort them to come to Christ. I saw my schoolteacher, one of the best educated men in the neighborhood, and a skeptic, halfway down the aisle, looking at me. I ran out of the pulpit, ran down the aisle, embraced him and wept and begged him to give his heart to Christ. He did make a profession of faith sometime afterward and united with the church. Many years of conflict have passed away since that glad night, but sitting here in the silent room, by the smoldering fire in the grate, the memory of the incidents of that happy hour are as clear and as fresh in my mind as if they had occurred only last week; it seems that I can almost see the bright faces which smiled upon me that evening, and almost hear the songs. I thank God I still have the peace He gave me then.   (The above was abridged from Morrison's books, Life Sketches and Sermons, 1903 and Some Chapters of My Life Story, 1941.)
            As we read and ponder the great burden and conviction Morrison was under, it may seem odd that the young troubled boy did not or could not bow down as Brother Phillips went on his way, and find salvation there in the midst of the field. Perhaps Morrison was under the persuasion that you had to be in church to be saved, or you could only find salvation at revival time. Who knows what was in the heart and the mind of a young thirteen year old boy, and God only knows how He chose to deal with the young lad. We can assume Morrison did spend much time in prayer, but whatever the reason, salvation did not come for him until in the midst of the next year's revival. Notice too,  young Morrison was not saved the first time he went to the altar, because God did not save him then. He did not get saved the second or third day because God did not save him then. He did not get saved on Saturday, nor during the morning Sunday service as Morrison longed, wished and prayed for.  No, Morrison got saved on that Sunday night, at the right time, the right place and the right situation, when the Lord was satisfied that he had fully trusted, repented and had achieved in his heart all that was required. When young Morrison fully trusted, the Lord declared,  "I am going to give unto you the power to become a son of God." So Morrison was saved, receiving the Holy Spirit of love, joy and peace, that he knew was from heaven above. No preacher had to tell him, no one had to assure him, or instruct him or persuade him to just take it by faith. Morrison received something real. Morrison received a heartfelt, "I know the Lord saved me" salvation. There was no, "I accept Jesus" for Morrison. There was no "I am making a decision for Christ." Morrison spent hours on the altar. Morrison cried, prayed, pleaded with God to save him. Morrison did all the things most of the modern day, modern way ministries and ministers tell you that you need not do. But Morrison got it right. Morrison had something real. The Spirit God placed within him, bore witness that he indeed had become a child of God just as the scriptures teach and promise. Morrison knew he had eternal life and a heavenly home. So, I have to ask, who would want any less for themselves. Thousands, I trust millions, have had the same type of testimony. It is Bible. It is scripture. Why do some fight and argue so adamantly against it? Why would not every person seek such a precious wonderful gift on their knees? Morrison got something real; I believe, you can have it too. Morrison had a testimony of a spiritual salvation that he knew would take him into eternity. I believe you can have it too. There is no more true religion than when God sends His Holy Spirit of promise into our hearts and tells us Himself that we are saved. Why would anyone ridicule such a tremendous gift and blessing from God? There is nothing more wonderful and beautiful than the receiving of God's heavenly, Holy Spirit and His assurance.
            As beautiful as Morrison's testimony was, and is, it is not uncommon and not unlike the testimony of any other born again Christian. Anyone who has been born again,  and received the Holy Spirit has a beautiful testimony of their own. I ask you the reader once more, what would you rather hear from your children's lips, a testimony in likeness to the one of Morrison's, or a testimony, "I accepted Christ," with no evidence  given of an experience of the Holy Spirit? How sad anything less would be, than "I know for certain the Lord has saved me, because I feel His wonderful Spirit."
            Morrison saw the evils of decision-making entering into the churches during his life and ministry and certainly spoke and preached much against it at every opportunity. Morrison wrote in the introduction to John Wesley Hughes autobiography, "the Blue Grass region of Kentucky had keenly felt the blight of [a religion] which had ridiculed the mourner’s bench, the regenerating and witnessing power of the Holy Ghost, and unfortunately, in many Methodist churches people were asked to join the church[es] without being invited to the altar of prayer, without insistence that they must be born again before they were proper subjects for membership in the church of the Lord Jesus Christ. Hughes lifted aloft the banner of true Methodism, drew the sword of the Spirit and with a holy daring, championed the cause of true repentance, the new birth, and the clear witness of the Holy Ghost to a conscious salvation." (From H.C. Morrison’s introduction to the autobiography of John Wesley Hughes, D.D., Founder of Asbury College, 1923).     

                                     Morrison and the Old Time Religion
             “Their one object was to win the people to true repentance and saving faith in Christ. And they preached with great power and gracious results. They preached about sin and the wickedness of rebellion against God, of violating His law, of rejecting His mercy. They preached about death-beds and awakened sinners who, when it was too late realized they were dying and going out into darkness. They preached about the Judgment Day and the separations that would take place, of the saved going into everlasting life and the lost into everlasting torment. The people of the community would become serious under their preaching. Sinners would go home quietly and creep into their beds easily, almost afraid that the bed cords would give way, the floor break and the earth open and receive them into the pit of darkness. Some readers will say this was very crude and no way to present the Gospel. The fact is that large numbers of people under this preaching forsook their sins and became mourners; frequently they would spend several days and nights in silence, praying in the woods, out in the barn, over in the broomsedge field, confessing their sins and pleading with God for mercy. When a member of a family would fall under conviction, the other members of the family would take their work, attend to the chores, and would leave them to quietness and prayer. Under the preaching of these old men, the soul came to look wonderfully valuable, sin was a hateful thing, hell was an awful place, heaven was most desirable, the laws of God were reasonable and right and ought not to be violated. Jesus Christ, his atoning death and glorious resurrection and intersession became desirable above all things, and men and women sought Him, pleading for mercy, day and night."                                                                                                            After these convictions, conversions were really new births. There was great joy. The Lord was praised and the saved gave glad testimonies. Frequently, not only at the church, but they would go about among their neighbors praising the Lord, giving their witness, telling what awful sinners they had been, how they had felt so deeply lost, almost lost hope, but cried to Christ and found Him a wonderful savior.  That was the old time religion and the people knew where and when they found it and let the neighbors and the community know that they had passed from death unto life. No one thought of joining the church without being born of the Spirit.”                                         
                                                                                              H.C. Morrison
 (From: Some Chapters from My Life Story, 1941, pgs.35,36 & 37)
            Morrison had clear convictions about methods, movements, and foolish actions of men with the pretense of worship and having church. "One serious trouble," Morrison said while conducting a revival meeting in a Nazarene church in Miami, Florida, "is the effort to work up a shallow emotion in the beginning of the service which is unfortunate. Singing fast songs, clapping hands, stamping feet and bringing an excitement, and pretending it is the work of the Holy Spirit is a most dangerous procedure."
            Also, in the November 21, 1928 Pentecostal Herald, Morrison wrote that
"nothing more unfortunate has ever occurred to Methodism than the institution of "Decision Day," and the bringing of thousands of children into the church without conviction for sin, or the regeneration of the heart by the Holy Spirit. An unregenerate congregation is not a church of God. Those who are not regenerated are not children of God."
            Morrison recognized the dangers of this evil practice and of the deception it brought to all who entered the membership of the church by these means. They were not saved, not the children of God, and in this condition had no hope of eternal life. These same people taken into God's church under this false pretense, would likely someday be making the decisions concerning the operation, the ministry and affairs of all church business and conduct. A lost person, cannot know the mind of Christ, nor receive the things of the Spirit. How could their church in this situation or condition, be a true church of God?
            The great holiness preacher, W.B. Godbey explained how a religion had flooded like an arctic river  a whole generation and about frozen out all of the Methodist fire that used to make sinners cry and Christians shout. "They had so long persistently preached against Holy Spirit religion, ridiculing it unmercifully, denouncing and abusing the mourner's bench that the Methodist preachers, rank and file had given up the altar. They had  contented themselves to take in members as seekers of salvation, baptizing them and admitting them to bona fide membership, though unsaved, and even promoting them to offices. The result was that the Methodist church was in an exceedingly low condition; clear and bright conversions attested by the Holy Spirit and witnessed to in the love feasts, having almost evanesced and become simply a matter of bygone history."
            To further paraphrase Godbey, this evil false religion of accepting Christ without true conversion, bears the name of Jesus, yet is nothing more than a form of Godliness, but denies the power thereof. It has grown, spread and infected like a terrible disease, like a blight that kills and destroys. It is a false doctrine that has deceived millions who are now in eternity. They are victims resulting from the deceptions, wiles and failures of men, by refusing to follow the truths of God's word and promises. They took it upon themselves as ministers and leaders of others to promote and encourage their own selfish desires of success and numbers. This, sadly has led many a person to their eternal doom. There is no other way to describe it, and no easier way to say it. It deserves no kinder words. 
            In the book,  An Endless Line of Splendor by Earle E. Cairns, Cairnes writes of some of the great revivals and many of the legendary religious leaders of our time. One  of the ministers that receives much attention is Billy Graham. No one denies that Graham has had a tremendous ministry, and great following throughout his long career. It is noteworthy to mention here, to me, how Graham's success is described and recorded in statistical numbers, of those who made decisions for Christ. It was noted, "he returned to England in March 1954 and held a crusade in the Harringay Arena in London. The last meeting was held in the large Wimbledon Stadium, and 2,000 made decisions. There were 38,000 decisions from a total attendance of over 2 million in the crusade. Further crusades mentioned here include one in 1955 in Scotland that had an overall attendance of about 2,650,000, with over 52,000 decisions. Of course this is just the beginning. In 1957, in Madison Square Garden, in New York City, 2.4 million in attendance, with over 61,000 decisions. In the major cities of Australia, and New Zealand in 1959, crowds numbered about 3,250,000 with about 150,000 decisions. I see no need to go on any further, for we can certainly see his tremendous popularity and his seeming great success in leading people to Christ. What do we say about such numbers?  It is my hope and prayer that each one of these decisions were true conversions and that everyone of these precious souls will enjoy the riches of heaven for all of eternity.
            The popularity of Billy Graham is amazing, to say the least, and it would be easy to want to believe that God must be in such a great crusade or this enormous success just could not happen. I certainly am not an expert on Billy Graham, nor will I choose to judge him and what he has accomplished, but I just have to speak my mind on what I have seen, and what I believe has to be true.
            A dear friend of mine who was a great admirer of Graham had an opportunity to see and hear him preach in Nashville several years ago. She arrived at the crusade on a charter bus, as did many other people. Those of us who have watched the telecasts have witnessed the invitation by Graham for seekers to come and receive Christ as their Savior. And, we have witnessed the steady stream of people make their way down to the front area for this very purpose. According to Cairnes, the training of several thousand counselors takes place before each crusade.
            As we have already written and explained in previous chapters, the conditioning of one's heart to have true faith is not always a quick and easy task. It often takes much time and much prayer. How many of these souls were actually saved? I do not know. I pray they all were. But even my friend, as she boarded her bus, pondered the question, how could all those people get their heart right, truly repent, and get everything worked out so fast?  She was quite sure an enormous number of attendees suffered from the same dilemma and situation she found herself in. She was told to get back to the bus by a certain time or she would be left behind. There could be little question that a crusade of that magnitude would create an atmosphere of some confusion and no doubt  to many, a great sense of  haste.
            The most alarming thing here, is that all the successes recorded in this book are quite the same as we see and hear in so many instances today. The responses to Graham's invitations to come to Christ are referred to as decisions. It did not say these people were saved, yet I am confident that to a good many people, they would not consider a reason to think of there being any difference in the two terms.
            As I have stated before, many people find this terminology quite offensive and the practice of making a decision, quite inadequate and deceptive. For this reason, many a born again Christian who support and believe the old time religion of a heartfelt salvation, do not have faith in the ministry of Billy Graham. From what I have seen and heard, I also agree. I have not watched every telecast, and I have not read all his books and I have not heard all his sermons. But in every invitation I have heard Graham extend to his audiences, I have never heard him instructing them to keep on praying and seeking until God tells them they are saved.  I have never heard him instructing them to make sure they are a receiver of that blessed assurance only the Spirit of God can give. But, why do we  not always hear this? It is scripture that we receive the Spirit when God saves us and it is essential that we possess it for eternal life. Why would he or any minister not go the utmost, to make sure everyone understands how vital this is to their salvation and eternal life?   
            Again, there should be absolutely no chance, no opportunity and no room for error. The confirmation and the necessity of the Spirit in our lives should be made perfectly clear to everyone. We do not need people just making decisions that could be in error, we need absolute assurance from the Holy Spirit bearing witness we are the children of God.  I do not want Billy Graham, nor any other human being, telling me or assuring me, that I am saved, I want the Holy Spirit to tell me. I hope you do also.
            What do you see going on in your church? Do you see people going to the altar  seeking their soul's salvation or do you see people going forward and making a pledge to accept Christ? Do you hear a testimony of  having been born again and of the receiving of the Holy Spirit by those who seek to have membership with your church? Or, do they just pray a "Sinner's Prayer" and are told by the minister if they accepted or made a decision for Christ that all is well?  I need not say again what this means if the latter is true. I beg you, for yourself, for your children, for your family, for all that you desire spiritually and eternally, please seek the Lord for yourself, and never give up until you know you have a true spiritual experience. Take your children to a place where the true word of God is preached and practiced. It is the most important decision you will ever make.

                                                  The Final Word
                                     Salvation Is A Fact and A Feeling      
            Everything we have discussed in the pages of this book describes an experiential salvation. We are promised by the Lord  an experience of  rivers of living water springing up within us, and a joy that may be full. We have read scriptures of testimony and witnessing to our hearts, of the blessed Holy Spirit of God that lives within those that are His. These are not my words, these are the words of our precious Lord and Savior. These are the words from the blessed Gospel that we hold so dear. These are promises just like the promises of eternal life and a heavenly home. I have to ask one more time, why then are some people, some churches, and some ministers fighting so hard against this, or at best excusing it all away? Now I have to ask you the reader, will you excuse it all away? If we cannot know and feel something wonderful from heaven within our hearts, if we cannot know a blessed, heavenly love that excels far above anything we ourselves could ever manufacture, if there is no comforting from a Comforter, if there is no joy and peace, if there is no rejoicing, no praising; if all these things are not true and felt within our hearts by the Holy Spirit, then the scriptures are a lie.
            But, I maintain these facts are true, by my own testimony and the testimonies of generations of other believers. We, as born again Christians are recipients of that Spirit. If you cannot testify of it, you are none of His. It is that plain. There is no sound argument against the Spirit, and there is no sound argument against these scriptures. The scriptures are plainly written and easily interpreted. The truths are too plainly stated. It is time to stop playing games and to stop playing church. Eternity is at hand. Without a Heartfelt salvation, our loved ones' eternal security remains at risk. Death is real, the judgment is real, hell is real, and therefore our salvation had better be real. I can most certainly assure you that the Spirit is real, and please, you must know that you possess this. There is no room for error, no place for mistakes.

                      A Sign of Hope To the Heartfelt Churches and Believers.
            We need your help. I believe we have been silent much too long. While we have held firmly and  faithfully to the sacred doctrines and practices of a heartfelt salvation within our own churches, I fear that in many instances, we have failed to reach out to the community with this life saving, essential message, that there is an absolute necessity for a  heartfelt salvation in every person's life. It is so important a message, it must be cried out, far and near with every available opportunity, in every instance where God's dear Word can get out to a lost world. The churches that mock and ridicule the heartfelt, knee route way of salvation are working strong with great determination to bring everyone in, in every possible way. They are out there with their literature, brochures, vacation bible schools, special events, programs, shows, and countless entertaining opportunities. They are bringing in our friends, neighbors, loved ones, our children and our grandchildren with decision making, "I accept Jesus" programs. Many of these programs make no reference to, and completely ignore the precious Holy Spirit of God, the finish line of every testimony, and witness for Christ. What has your church done lately to reach out to the whole community? What have you done lately to reach out? Someone had better speak up and do something fast! Someone had better have the guts and determination  to stand up and confront this evil practice. People are being deceived and hell is their fate if they are not preached the truth. I believe we can make a difference if all the true born again Christians will stand up, be heard and bear their armor of righteousness. I beseech all old fashion, heartfelt salvation believing churches to stand up together and be heard, to embrace this crusade and join together, To let our communities, our cities, and our towns hear the true gospel message of salvation. I pray you will encourage born again friends and families from other communities and states to join in, to recruit their churches to stand up and declare that Jesus Christ can and does save, and salvation has to be real, and felt in the hearts of  true converts.  Some say outreach is a waste of time. I have already heard criticisms, "if we offer someone a hot dog, someone else will offer them a hamburger."  I know it can be discouraging, and it is hard to compete with activities and events some bigger churches offer, but we cannot let that be an excuse to do nothing. Many of our old fashioned churches have been doing little or nothing in the way of getting our message out to the community, and many are drying up, and are in danger of becoming non-existent, while the modern day, "just accept Jesus" churches are flourishing. Things can change if we will bond together, work hard together, diligently pray and have faith. With God's blessing and His leadership, we could do much. It is in our hands.
            I believe that a heartfelt salvation crusade would be a great way and opportunity to bring us all together. I am not advocating for anyone to have puppet shows, rock concerts, amusement events, cookouts or hayrides. I am only advocating our getting out and sharing with the community about heartfelt salvation, everyway and anyway we can that would please and satisfy the Lord and your church body.
                        While I certainly will not be a predictor of all that the Lord may have in store concerning this particular endeavor, I truly believe it is His will for me, and maybe it is His will for you. Do you believe in your salvation? Were you truly born again of the Spirit? Did and do you feel His love within you? Does His Spirit placed within you, bear witness you are His child? Do you really know and believe all these things?  If you do, you must see the great danger. Are you not stirred? Does it not trouble and concern you? I think those of us who know the truth, concerning these deceptions, have wrung our hands, felt troubled, but wondered, what can we do?  Shall we continue to be still and  quiet,  stirring only within the four walls of our churches?
            Satan has been working so hard, and many Christians like myself have been working so little. Today, when you talk about a heartfelt salvation to most people, even to the majority of church people, many have no clue what you are talking about. So many were never taught about an altar, about a true rebirth and about receiving the Holy Spirit, and they are not likely to hear it unless something dramatically changes. Without you and me, without some major action, without some effective movement, we are apt to see no change for the good, and will continue to witness the continual steady decline and further removal of the truth of genuine spiritual salvation.

                                Be A Witness, Go and Tell, Go and Share
            Why would you not? If you have been saved with a heartfelt spiritual salvation, why would you not feel compelled to help others hear the truth? So what are we all doing this weekend that is more important than the salvation of someone's soul?  What are we doing that is more important than trying to share the truth with one that may be lost or has been deceived? If God is stirring within you to act and do your part in the sharing and witnessing of the truths about heartfelt salvation, please help, please join in. Please do not let someone who is not following the Spirit of the Lord, or who fails to see the important significance of this horrific problem discourage you. Please let the Lord alone direct your heart and your church. There is no one asking you for money, there is no one trying to make one cent. It is a ministry that you and your church can choose how you wish to make it work. You can spend what you want to spend, as little or as much, according to what the Lord wants you to do. I am not requesting you to send me or any one else any money for anything. But please consider what you and your church can do to reach out and share "Heartfelt Salvation." Please be a witness. Please, go and tell. Please, go and share. For information regarding books, literature or pamphlets of Heartfelt salvation contact:

Heartfelt Salvation
C/o Gary Bewley
2731 Tompkinsville Road
Glasgow, Kentucky 42141

                                            My Testimony of Salvation
            For me, the term, "saved" goes back to my early days in a small Baptist Church that sits today much as it did when I was a little boy. If I walked in it today, I suspect it would appear almost identical to the church I knew, with the exception of many parishioners who have long since left this world. The church is Mt. Pleasant and sits on Highway 249 near the Roseville community about six miles from the city of Glasgow, Kentucky.
            From this little church, it seemed to a young boy that God and Jesus must truly reside there, for it was there I learned the dear Bible stories in Sunday school, and heard the loud outcries of the preachers who warned us all of the dangers of sin, and a hell that awaited those who failed to live right or find Jesus. It was all hard for a young boy to completely understand. One thing that did become clear in time was that you must be saved, and when you reached a responsible age, you needed to get right with God. I
remember asking my mother, who was a Christian, and a member of this church, “what happens when you get saved?” “How do you know when you get saved?” My mother tried her best to explain to me that it was something you felt inside, something that was wonderful and assured me when it happened, I would know.
            In those days, the little church had Sunday school every Sunday at 10 o’clock, and only once a month there would be a preaching service. Ellsworth Strode and Emmitt Frodge, were at least two of the different pastors we had during those years. The names rhymed, so I would get confused who was who, but they both would preach hard as I recall, and I thought long. They would be excited and tearful and preach with great power.  My father would describe one of them as “whuping the bible," as he preached. I was never sure if he thought that good or bad, but it was an apt description of the enthusiastic preaching style of that day.
            Every fall of the year was revival time, a time for special services generally aimed at reviving the church in their spirit and devotion to the Lord. It was also a time of  reaching out to lost sinners who might be willing to come and seek the salvation of their souls. One vivid account in my mind was all the mourners that would fill the altar or “Mourner’s Bench.” In our particular church, the Mourner’s Bench was the first bench closest to the pulpit area. I still remember mourners on the bench, praying, seeking, crying out, and in time, some coming up rejoicing with a testimony of change and experience of salvation. Generally, it seemed the salvation would be accompanied with tears of joy, excitement and created within the church a great sense of happiness and joy. At the close of the revival, the new converts who joined the church would be baptized with water immersion. My sister, Linda, being about three years older than me was saved at one of these revivals and I recall she was baptized in a pond on a nearby farm.
            As time went on, for some reason we stopped attending the little church of Mt.
Pleasant, and it wasn’t until my high school years that church going was renewed in my life. My junior year I began dating a classmate, Connie Jones who lived on Ritter's Mill Road in the Freedom / Temple Hill area of Barren County. She came from a large family who were very devoted to church. When we first began to date, Connie was not a Christian, but very soon thereafter she had a very splendid experience of salvation while at home. On this particular day, she found herself in constant prayer as she went along her daily duties of cleaning house and attending to chores. As she gazed out her kitchen window, it was at this moment it happened. The Lord had saved her soul. Her experience, involved a feeling of great conviction and trouble within her heart, letting her know she was lost, and that Jesus was very near. At the moment of salvation, all the trouble was replaced with a beautiful, sweet peace. A sense of joy filled her heart, something very real and so definite, that she had never experienced before. This type of testimony was not foreign to me for I had seen and heard many testimonies describing this type of experience. We were in love and I was so happy for her, and in addition, I was now being invited and attending the church to which she belonged, Dover Missionary Baptist Church, near Etoile. My thoughts now turned to salvation; I wanted to be saved too.
            Around this same time period, I began working at a local grocery in the meat department. The Meat Department manager was a very involved, soul winning type preacher. He was a pleasant preacher to listen to; he spoke very calmly and always with a good message.
            There obviously came a time that we discussed religion. I revealed to him that I was seeking salvation, but for some reason, I just hadn’t been saved. I don’t recall everything he told me or every word of encouragement he might have offered, but I recall very vividly when he suggested we go inside the old meat cooler, bow down and pray. He led the prayer, and after a time concluded it. He asked me if I prayed. I told him “yes." I remember being so shocked and surprised, when he told me, that was all I needed to do and that was all there was to it. That was my first encounter with anyone or anything that tried to change my conception of what salvation really was and how it was received. I was so shocked, but I was young and timid about the matter so I don’t recall exactly what I said to him. But, I knew I had not gotten anything such as I had witnessed at  Mt. Pleasant Church. I knew I had received nothing like the experience my mother described that I would have when I was saved. I knew I had no testimony like that of Connie, who testified of a wonderful, heavenly peace. I knew her testimony was true. I knew something had happened to her, something real, for she knew without a doubt that she was saved. I wanted a salvation like that and the idea of receiving it became the most important thing to me.  I am not sure how much time passed, for it seemed from that time forward, I was always trying to pray. One night I was at my home watching television when I felt something inside of me, tell me "go and pray." It was very strange. I did not hear this audibly, but it might have as well been spoken aloud, for it could not have been more real or for sure.  I remember getting up and out of the house, it was a summer night, and darkness had already fallen. I went to the barn behind our house and bowed down and prayed to Jesus for the salvation of my soul. I prayed for a time long enough, that I grew impatient and doubtful for I just could not seem to find that which I sought. So, finally  I gave up and headed back to the house. I put my hand on the door knob, when again, I felt and or heard within me that familiar voice, "go and pray." Thank the Lord, I was obedient and went around to the front yard and bowed at the base of an old tree, which no longer stands, but I know the spot. There, I commenced my prayers. I sought the Lord with every ounce of my being I thought. I asked. I begged. I pleaded. I did everything that I thought I could do. I tried to repent of every sin I could possibly imagine. Yet, I could sense no relief, no indication my prayer had been answered, nor any sign or signal that I had received God's saving grace. In desperate prayer, I remember asking the Lord, to please show me what I could do? To show me what was wrong? Somewhere in the midst of my prayer and agony came the answer, just as clear as the voice that had said, "go and pray." The voice of heaven instructed me of the problem. I had too much pride. I had made up my mind that I wanted to be saved away from church, away from an altar, away from any eyes that would see Gary Bewley down on an altar of prayer asking for mercy. I was so ashamed and at the same time so enlightened. I remember my prayer to God went along the lines of,  "I don't know where a revival is going on. I don't know where there is a church meeting tonight, but if I did, I would go and get down on my knees in front of anybody and everybody, and I would not be ashamed to ask you for forgiveness at an altar of prayer. Lord, I will do anything you want." Immediately, the trouble left and a great joy filled my heart. I felt something I had never experienced before. I knew I had been saved. I knew I had been touched by the Holy Spirit. I knew my salvation was real. I jumped up and started to run to the house to tell my mother and father of the wonderful news of my salvation, when immediately I was stopped in my tracks. A doubt was placed in my mind asking, "Where are you going? You are not saved." I stood there baffled for the moment. I remember falling to my knees instantly and asking God to show me again that I was saved. Once again the most wonderful feeling swept through my heart. Reassured, I jumped up and ran to my mother who was inside the house. I have a memory of sitting on the steps that go to the upstairs and telling her all about it. I recall her giving me some encouraging words and advice concerning a Christian life.  I wish I could remember her words as well as I remember my experience.
            That was my salvation experience; it was real. The doubts I experienced moments after my conversion, may seem strange to some. Whether it was the human nature in man, or the power and voice of the old liar, the Devil trying to deceive, I will not spend the time and effort to try and explain here. But from that night and from that experience, I have throughout my life enjoyed and felt the Spirit of God in my life. Sometimes, I have not always been obedient, sometimes I have wandered away from His will, and failed to enjoy a peaceful stirring within.  But, when I seek forgiveness and when I turn my life and thoughts back to the love of the Lord, His Spirit within me is always renewed. And on several occasions I have experienced a heavenly outpouring of the Spirit so marvelous, so beautiful, and so precious that words cannot adequately describe it. In these moments I have  laughed and cried;  I  do not desire anything else, but to praise and cry out to God from the very deepest portals of my heart and soul. In these moments, I have a love for everyone beyond anything in my natural humanity.  It is a perfect, heavenly love. As I write these words,  the joy and excitement fills my soul with the remembrance of  its greatness. It is a foretaste of the heavenly, beautiful things to come, just as the Apostle Paul told us.  How marvelous it all is! Praise the Lord ten thousand times for all He has bestowed upon my heart and on being. My dear friends, I just wish, and want everyone to be able to experience this great gift and wonder of God, and it hurts so bad when people supposedly in the know, tell you and me, "don't trust your feelings, salvation is a fact, and not a feeling." I am here to declare to you salvation is indeed a fact, but true salvation also comes with a marvelous feeling. If you don't believe me, just look in the Bible, it is all spelled out there so clearly, if we will just see. If you don't believe me, just ask our Lord, for He can show you. Repent, give your everything to the Lord, love Him with all your heart, soul, mind, spirit and body, submit to His will in everyway, and I assure you, based on the truth of the scriptures, you can feel it also.  You can know and possess a true, authentic, absolute, heartfelt salvation. Oh, how I pray you will.        Gary Bewley

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