Thursday, September 10, 2015

All "HEARTFELT SALVATION CHURCHES" Let's join together and find SUCCESS!

                      A Sign of Hope To the Heartfelt Churches and Believers.
            We need your help. I believe we have been silent much too long. While we have held firmly and  faithfully to the sacred doctrines and practices of a heartfelt salvation within our own churches, I fear that in many instances, we have failed to reach out to the community with this life saving, essential message, that there is an absolute necessity for a  heartfelt salvation in every person's life. It is so important a message, it must be cried out, far and near with every available opportunity, in every instance where God's dear Word can get out to a lost world. The churches that mock and ridicule the heartfelt, knee route way of salvation are working strong with great determination to bring everyone in, in every possible way. They are out there with their literature, brochures, vacation bible schools, special events, programs, shows, and countless entertaining opportunities. They are bringing in our friends, neighbors, loved ones, our children and our grandchildren with decision making, "I accept Jesus" programs. Many of these programs make no reference to, and completely ignore the precious Holy Spirit of God, the finish line of every testimony, and witness for Christ. What has your church done lately to reach out to the whole community? What have you done lately to reach out? Someone had better speak up and do something fast! Someone had better have the guts and determination  to stand up and confront this evil practice. People are being deceived and hell is their fate if they are not preached the truth. I believe we can make a difference if all the true born again Christians will stand up, be heard and bear their armor of righteousness. I beseech all old fashion, heartfelt salvation believing churches to stand up together and be heard, to embrace this crusade and join together, To let our communities, our cities, and our towns hear the true gospel message of salvation. I pray you will encourage born again friends and families from other communities and states to join in, to recruit their churches to stand up and declare that Jesus Christ can and does save, and salvation has to be real, and felt in the hearts of  true converts.  Some say outreach is a waste of time. I have already heard criticisms, "if we offer someone a hot dog, someone else will offer them a hamburger."  I know it can be discouraging, and it is hard to compete with activities and events some bigger churches offer, but we cannot let that be an excuse to do nothing. Many of our old fashioned churches have been doing little or nothing in the way of getting our message out to the community, and many are drying up, and are in danger of becoming non-existent, while the modern day, "just accept Jesus" churches are flourishing. Things can change if we will bond together, work hard together, diligently pray and have faith. With God's blessing and His leadership, we could do much. It is in our hands.
            I believe that a heartfelt salvation crusade would be a great way and opportunity to bring us all together. I am not advocating for anyone to have puppet shows, rock concerts, amusement events, cookouts or hayrides. I am only advocating our getting out and sharing with the community about heartfelt salvation, every way and anyway we can that would please and satisfy the Lord and your church body.
                        While I certainly will not be a predictor of all that the Lord may have in store concerning this particular endeavor, I truly believe it is His will for me, and maybe it is His will for you. Do you believe in your salvation? Were you truly born again of the Spirit? Did and do you feel His love within you? Does His Spirit placed within you, bear witness you are His child? Do you really know and believe all these things?  If you do, you must see the great danger. Are you not stirred? Does it not trouble and concern you? I think those of us who know the truth, concerning these deceptions, have wrung our hands, felt troubled, but wondered, what can we do?  Shall we continue to be still and  quiet,  stirring only within the four walls of our churches?
            Satan has been working so hard, and many Christians like myself have been working so little. Today, when you talk about a heartfelt salvation to most people, even to the majority of church people, many have no clue what you are talking about. So many were never taught about an altar, about a true rebirth and about receiving the Holy Spirit, and they are not likely to hear it unless something dramatically changes. Without you and me, without some major action, without some effective movement, we are apt to see no change for the good, and will continue to witness the continual steady decline and further removal of the truth of genuine spiritual salvation.

                                 Be A Witness, Go and Tell, Go and Share
            Why would you not? If you have been saved with a heartfelt spiritual salvation, why would you not feel compelled to help others hear the truth? If it were only a matter of opinion, or interpretation of the scriptures, that would be a different story. But we know. If we have truly been "Born Again," we know the absolute truth. The Spirit bears witness in our hearts that it is so. We have got to stop this fooling and mulling around, while multitudes are being deceived.  So what are we all doing this weekend that is more important than the salvation of someone's soul?  What are we doing that is more important than trying to share the truth with one that may be lost or has been deceived? If God is stirring within you to act and do your part in the sharing and witnessing of the truths about heartfelt salvation, please help, please join in. Please do not let someone who is not following the Spirit of the Lord, or who fails to see the important significance of this horrific problem discourage you. Please let the Lord alone direct your heart and your church. There is no one asking you for money, there is no one trying to make one cent. It is a ministry that you and your church can choose how you wish to make it work. You can spend what you want to spend, as little or as much, according to what the Lord wants you to do. I am not requesting you to send me or any one else any money for anything. But please consider what you and your church can do to reach out and share "Heartfelt Salvation." Please be a witness. Please, go and tell. Please, go and share. For information regarding books, literature or pamphlets of Heartfelt salvation contact:

Heartfelt Salvation
C/o Gary Bewley
2731 Tompkinsville Road
Glasgow, Kentucky 42141

 The Heartfelt Salvation book is 43 pages. It is full of scripture, commentary, and testimonies that are indisputable facts to the very word of God. It is a wonderful testimony tool for us to share with family friends, and all who don't understand about what true Heartfelt Salvation really is. 

               A six page pamphlet about "Heartfelt Salvation" is also available available and easy to share with lost friends, and the community. 

The covers of both books features a photo of Rev. Henry Clay Morrison, a nationally known minister (1857-1942). Morrison has been the subject of much hard work in Barren County Kentucky where I live. We have been undertaking the restoration of an old camp-meeting site Morrison founded here, the site of his boyhood home. His testimony of salvation is very powerful and an important chapter in the book. 

There is so much more we need to do. This can be a start. Please do all you and your church can do. Please contact me with your willingness to join in. The book is available to read in the post below, and, or, send for your free copy. God Bless You. Please Help.  Sincerely Gary Bewley                           

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