Friday, July 13, 2018


The Lord has directed a service at Morrison Park. The poster above provides much information and times. It is way past the time for true Born Again Christians to stand up and speak publicly against the evil "Mental Decision" doctrines that have overwhelmed our nation and local communities. This doctrine of "Accept Jesus", and "Make A Decision For Christ" without any regard to the regenerating and witnessing  power of the Holy Spirit is growing by leaps and bounds. So many of the old time churches who, thank the Lord still adhere to and preach the truth are struggling. Everyone who has truly been Born Again, must realize, this doctrine and practice is dangerous.  We know the truth, because, the Spirit beareth witness we are the children of God.  It is our job and responsibility to do all we can to warn all who will listen, Ye Must Be Born Again. Decision is not conversion.
     Please come if you possibly can. Cover the hillside. Witness to your community, "I know the Holy Spirit. He lives in me."
                                                     For more information, or any help you could offer, please contact Bro. Bewley,  270-834-9553 or

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Joy Behar "The View" shows she has no knowledge of real Christianity

It is always sad and alarming when people, who have the power to communicate and influence so many people with their actions and views wade into things they have absolutely no idea about. The comments made on "The View" were shared in a news story today. Joy Behar said: “It’s one thing to talk to Jesus. It’s another thing when Jesus talks to you.” Behar said hearing voices is a “mental illness” before Sherri Shepard offered a limited defense of Pence. If Joy Behar was Christian or had any knowledge of God's word, then she would realize how tremendously wrong her comments were. The scriptures teach of the wonderful, precious Holy Spirit, (sometimes referred to as the Comforter) which came to reprove the world of sin. To those who have been saved (Born Again), the Holy Spirit  works within their hearts. Jesus said the Comforter which He would send to those that were His, would teach, lead and guide them. He told His disciples, I will through the Spirit, tell you what you should say. The Holy Spirit led the apostles and church leaders through out all Biblical and Church history. Jesus said, "My sheep hear My voice and they follow me. I know them and they know Me." The Apostle Paul explained the Spirit lives within the inner man of those that know Christ. It is not suprising that Joy Behar knows nothing of the Holy Spirit, for even many a church member from various denominations and beliefs, deny the power of the Holy Spirit. The Apostle Paul wrote,  the fruits of the Spirit are love, joy and Peace, and that the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit. Paul also declares the Spirit bears witness we are the children of God. Joy Behar, you need to find the Lord. Jesus said, except a man be born again, (Spiritual birth), he shall not see the kingdom of God. Joy, this means you too.                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
                                                                                                                             Bro. Gary Bewley