Thursday, February 18, 2016

Donald Trump is quite right. The Pope is disgraceful. No man has any business taking on an exalted Holy title.

The Pope is just a man,who became a Pope only because a few religious leaders of the Catholic Church got together and voted on him. They made their decision, and caused a puff of smoke to come out of a chimney. Wow! That makes him great?  The religious leaders who voted this Pope to this exalted position are only men too. They are nothing special, and if anything quite substandard. Why would I say this? Because they are very anti-New Testament in so much of what they teach and practice. Jesus said in Matthew 23: 9 ...And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father which is in heaven. 10, Neither be called Masters:for one is your Master, even Christ. 11, And whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased; and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted.
   The Pope allows himself to be called a Holy Father. What arrogance to allow this exalted title to be placed upon himself in the light of the words of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. And all the other Catholic Priest also take on this exalted title, allowing or demanding their church members call them "Father." And what have so many of them proven to be? Homosexuals, pedophiles, and certainly substandard in the Holy Men department. The Pope may or may not be a good man. I don't know. That is between himself and the Lord. I will not judge that. But in the category of calling himself, or even allowing himself the honor of being called "Holy Father" in the face of the word of God, all the Pope really makes of himself is an "Arrogant Ass."  He runs around in an outfit that resembles that of a clown. He rides around in a Pope mobile propelling himself to some place of great honor. Matthew 23:5 But all their works they do for to be seen of men: they make broad their phylacteries, and enlarge the borders of their garments.  And then we have all the idiots who are running after him thinking he is so righteous, good and Holy. Before the puff of smoke came out of the chimney, he was just a priest, now the world goes crazy over him. I personally have more faith in and much more respect for the little country preacher in the church down the road, who humbly can witness of a testimony, where one day he bowed before a living God, and sought Jesus at an altar of prayer. A truly great preacher is one who testifies he was saved, and the Lord took his sins away. He can testify of being filled with the Holy Spirit of promise that the Lord said he would send to bear witness to those that are His. Then humbly he preachers this great truth to others, beseeching them to seek Christ, to the salvation of their souls. We do not obtain salvation or forgiveness by confessing our sins to a priest. Jesus is our High Priest (Hebrews Chapters 4, through 10 ). We do not get to heaven or obtain any favor with God by praying to the Virgin Mary. That is not in the Bible, and an outright abomination of the truth. I would love to hear the Pope's testimony of his getting saved and receiving the Holy Spirit. If he was filled with the Holy Spirit today, I guarantee you, he would be on his knees, asking forgiveness, praising God, and not allowing himself to be called a "Holy Father." There is more Poop, than Pope, about the Pope.
   If people think Trump is anti- christian for wanting to build a wall to keep us safe, and maintain some control, then maybe we should all take Jesus's advice. "If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shall have treasures in heaven, and come and follow me." This would be so great, and we could all prove how good of Christians we really are.  But, let's start with the riches of the Catholic church first and all that the Pope has. Yes, we need to sell the Poop Mobile. Brother, Gary Bewley, a brother in Christ Jesus not a Holy Father.Brother, Gary Bewley, a brother in Christ Jesus not a Holy Father.