Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Donald Trump's Mis-Quote of the Bible is but a speck compared to those who mis-quote, or misrepresent the Bible everyday. The Mental; Decision Peachers

    Donald Trump's recent Error in quoting the Bible, is but a SPECK compared to the monumental ERRORS made by the MENTAL DECISION PREACHERS, who falsify and misrepresent the Bible everyday. There are ministers all over this nation, who deceive countless unsuspecting souls including innocent little children. NO minister, who knows ANYTHING about TRUE SALVATION, about being BORN AGAIN, or about the receiving of the BLESSED HOLY SPIRIT would ever say, preach, or promote literature saying "you cannot trust your feelings as a result of your salvation."
        The receiving of the Holy Spirit is the promise, and absolute assurance given to us by Jesus himself, that we have indeed been saved. Literature, such as the pamphlets shown above, are very deceiving. Where is the mention of the Holy Spirit, promised to those who have been saved? Where is the scripture about the living water Jesus said would be springing up within us? Where is the mention of the love of God that is shed abroad in our hearts by the Spirit? Where is the scripture that assures us, the fruits of the Spirit are love, joy, and peace? Where is the scripture about us possessing the Spirit that serves as the first fruits, the foretastes of the heavenly things to come?
     Where is the mention of the Comforter that is to be sent, to live inside of us, to comfort us, to lead and guide those that are truly His? Where is the scripture that assures us, the Spirit beareth witness, we are the children of God? Instead of getting all these vital scriptures of assurance, we are told to trust in the decison we made, alone, and just in case you should ever have any doubts about your salvation, keep that little book, with your name wrote on it, as proof you got saved. Can't you see how silly, dangerous, un-bibical and decieving this all is? If you have been victims of this scam by your church or your preacher, if you have seen this kind of retoric in your church, please, stop and take a second look at the Promises of God in his word. The book HEARTFELT SALVATION, "the Assurance of Eternal Life" , was written for you. It's free. It will cost you nothing, but you could gain so much, the truth. Write to Gary Bewley 2731 Tompkinsville Rd. Glasgow, Kentucky 42141 and request your free copy, or visit, heartfeltsalvation.blogspot.com

Wednesday, January 6, 2016


Well I did it again. For the first time in many months, I broke my rule and decided to see what was really going on in the current entertainment world. The last time I tried this, I left my television on CBS prime time and saw Two Broke Girls. From the time it came on till the time it went off, it was nothing but sex, sex, sex. Nothing but stupid, sick, sex jokes, with a ridiculous laugh track to every foul word and gesture. Today I heard the newsman on local CBS Nashville TV tell the program lineup for tonight. Once again it was Two Broke Girls. The newsman told how the show had won or was up to win a prestigious award as the best comedy show. Curiously, I tried to watch it again. Once again from the time it came on till the time it went off it was nothing but sex, sex, sex. Nothing but dirty, suggestive, sickening sorry filth. The plot tonight is about a man with two ******. What has happened to us. Who would want to watch this stuff?  Oh how we have fallen from the days of respectable TV.
   It is my opinion, and if there is any decency left, it should not be hard to prove that I am right about what I am about to say. Only a bunch of sickos would make such a filthy show. Only a bunch of sick people would put it on television, so what do we say about the people who watch it?  Well, unfortunately it is likely that young people, young boys and girls are watching this filth. What is this doing to our society? Are we so irresponsible that this is the best we can do? It is beyond words to try and describe how degrading these shows are. I understand from scanning the internet that a lot of people have raised the same issue with CBS. Apparently from all the ratings, this is what the majority of the people want to watch. What has happened to us?
    Then there is the violence. How many times I have flipped the channels of CBS and saw all the terrible violence on their programs of entertainment. There is so much gun play, threats, violence, shooting and killing. It is all so common and so graphic. Then, when we turn on CBS morning news and hear about all the real like violence going on, and everyone ask, "Why?" " Why is this happening?" What else could could anyone expect? This is all we see. This is all we put in our minds, sex, filth and violence. If all this violence is so bad, and disgusting, why are we making all these violent shows? Why are we trying to entertain people with these violence shows? And if we really hate all this violence as we pretend we do, why are we watching this junk for entertainment? We have truly fallen into the deepest realms of evil, callousness and stupidity.
   And God saw the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And it repented the Lord that He had made man on the earth, and it grieved Him at His heart. And the Lord said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth. Genesis 6:5-7 
   Is God getting ready to destroy us for the sins of TV?  I do not know. I hope not. I believe there are still a lot of good people in this nation and the world, But, I am sure most everyone can see that we are going the wrong direction in this world, farther and farther from the righteousness God demands. The news, television, movies, music, games, internet, political decisions and a great number of our laws, disrespect God, and disregard his law and scripture. There was a time when we used to try and promote good manners, good behavior and good citizenship. Now, at least in the majority of what we see before us in the national media, there is sin, hate, violence and great rebellion. Surly all this cannot continue without a severe negative consequence upon our people, especially our children. Let us therefore follow after things that make for peace, and things wherewith one may edify another. Neither filthiness, nor foolish talking, nor jesting, which are not convenient: but rather giving thanks. Let no man deceive you with vain words for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience. Eph. 5:4.6
   In my opinion, all the shows like unto, Two Broke Girls and those that promote extreme violence, are all contributing to a mentality that destroys good human decency, good behavior, good character and good citizenship. These shows and their influence do as much to hurt, destroy, maim, kill, and bully our people, especially children, as much as any abuser, molester, or even a sex offender. CBS get this nasty filth off Television. For as it is, by airing these shows you are just as bad as any other sick heathen or pervert.